Chapter 9

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Akashi walked kuroko home it was silent and Akashi was still wondering about this Yoshiro guy . " Akashi kun I know you want to know" kuroko said more like asking. " yes I do who is Yoshiro " Akashi asked. kuroko flinched at the name and then signed " I I tell you it started when I was 8 -"
~~~~~~~flash back~~~~
A little boy with blue hair and shining blue eyes. He also had cat ears and a tail. he was playing in the park by himself because other didn't notice he was there but one boy did he was older and had bright green eyes and black hair he also had black cat ears and a tail with a white bit at the end. " hey you are the same as me he asked the blue hair neko, the other neko looked up " yes I am " the other boy smiled " I am Yoshiro what's your name " Yoshiro smiled " kuroko , kuroko Tetsuya " kuroko said " do you want to play with me Tet chan " Kuroko looked around and saw his mum " Anoo I sorry but it seem I have to go nice meeting you Yoshiro San " and kuroko ran other to his mum and hide behide her leg as she talked to the other lady. Yoshiro ran over "mum I just meet this really cute neko boy like me" Yoshiro mother looked at her son " oh and that's nice and I have someone for you to meet " Yoshiro mother said and Yoshiro smiled brightly " meet my son this is Yoshiro " Yoshiro looked up at the other lady with blue long hair " nice meeting you Yoshiro kun " she smiled " Tetsuya there someone I want you to meet " kuroko came out from be hide his mother legs " nice meeting you again Yoshiro San " he said shy. both mother smiled kurko mother said. " Now you both met your mate look after each other. " mate ? " Kuroko asked. Yoshiro looked happy.
~~~~~~end of flash back~~~~~
" He was kind then he changed when we got older he got meaner even to me and sometimes he will hit me and that's it, after mother found out she didn't do anything so she left and when father found out he tryed to protect me so he send Yoshiro San away and just a week ago I bumbed into him on my way home." kuroko finish explains and Akashi looked really to kill this Yoshiro neko.after a few minture they where outside kuroko house when they heared shattered glass," what was that " kuroko said shocked and they both ran to the back to see a broken widow and kagami behide a plant " kagami kun what are you doing and what happen to the widow " kuroko ask in his deadpan voice. kagami looked surprised " ah kuroko I was just umm helping the neighbours " Kuroko didn't look like he believe kagami " behide a plant " " I was guarding it." ' great going guarding a plant from what a creep plant kidnapper ' kagami through feeling like a idiot for once " umhuh I see well I be inside Akashi kun thank you for walking me home " kuroko said, Akashi kisses kuroko on the cheek before leaving to plot deaths eve one kagami tiagi death.

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