Chapter 6

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Hi everyone I sorry it's a bit late I try updating soon thank you for reading 😊
The next day Aomine and Kise through they should plan a party to get Akashi and kuroko together.
" Ok Aominecchi all the things are set up all we need is a date and everyone to come " kise said just done setting up where the party going to be held. the room was big and had chairs lining up the side and a big table on the other, with bowls for food and drinks and at the far corner was a big set of speakers. there was also Radom party baner of different colours on the roof. " looks nice I going to bed " kise gave a angry sign " Aominecchi your meant to call everyone have you done that yet kise almost yelled at his boyfriend " jeez calm your titts down will ya , I'm on it " Aomine said while smiling at kise. " fine just do it or someone not getting the bootie for a week" with that Aomine was on The phone calling all there friends
After a few hours Aomine came back "soo everyone is free this Sunday " kise looked up from making dinner " that's great Aominecchi dinner will be done shortly ".
~~~~~ with kuroko ~~~~~~
' this is so heart breaking Akashi and kise together I I can't ' kuroko just let his tears fall as he sat on the cold beach in his favourite park. ' oh my phone it's Aomine kun what dose he want this late at night ' kuroko through. " hello Aomine kun do you need anything kuroko answered with his normal voice. " yes I do I having a party for a break from school wanna come Tetsu" kuroko through it want a good thing and his gut was telling him not to go but he needs something to take his mind off Akashi " if it's boring I will leave Aomine kun " kuroko could hear Aomine laughing " It will be the greatest fun of all time Tetsu see ya there " with that Aomine hanged up. as kuroko was about to go home because it was late a voice stop him and make him frozen the one he loves so much it's heart breaking to hear now " Tetsuya what are you doing here" Akashi asked kuroko turned around " oh hello Akashi kun what are you doing out this late " kuroko said with a surprisingly calm voice " answer me first not with a another question " Akashi said walking closer so he could see kuroko face better. " I was just out walking it's a beuitful night " Kuroko answe while looking away he can't look Akashi in the eyes it too painful. " I was just clearing my mind what wrong Tetsuya" "ii am fine Akashi kun what make you think something's wrong " kuroko stuttered. " well you stuttered and are not looking me in the eye " Akashi touch kuroko's chin and make kuroko look into his eyes " well tetsuya" Akashi looked into his eyes and saw pain. he frowned. kuroko pushed Akashi away " don't touch me why don't you go back to your boyfriend kise I sure he will like it " and with that kuroko ran away leaving a hurt and confused Akashi beside.
'Ryouta is so dead ' Akashi through before pulling his phone out and calling said person " ah hello Akashicchi how may I help you " " How about you dyeing would help me a lot sense when do we go out" Akashi asked 'sweetly ' " oh haha well you see kuroko was going to go on a date with Aomine to make you jealous and told him that you go out with me and it backfired because kurokoicchi locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out we still haven't told him yet hehe " Akashi was trying not to break his phone out of rage so he through of a punishment for kise " you are to call me master and be my slave for a week until I feel like forgiving you understands and fix this mess " Akashi ordered coldly " Hhai Akashicchi " with that Akashi hanged up 'now for this stupid party I need to fix this and make Tetsuya mine' Akashi smiled a dark smile scaring a few people who walked by.

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