Chapter 13: Yagi Tenko: "Why is School even a thing?"

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Toshinori POV:

The drive to the elementary school isn't terribly far, there's just this really annoying intersection. That intersection is why I won't be letting Tenko walk to and from school, it's dangerous and people drive too fast down through here. Of course Tenko isn't the biggest fan of being dropped off by me, he'd prefer the freedom of walking.

"Have a good day, get your teacher to call me if there's any trouble!" I watch Tenko cling to his seatbelt.

"Do I have to go to school? What if they don't like me?" Tenko whines.

"Nonsense, they'll adore you! And school is a necessary step in becoming a hero. You do want to be a hero, right?" I hand him his lunch.

"Yeah... okay. Bye dad." He waves.

"Bye, I LOVE YOU!" I shout with the window down.

"Dad! I love you too." Tenko blushes with embarrassment as he hurries into the school. I think he's too young to be embarrassed by my love.

Oh well, I'm sure everything will be fine. Tenko is a smart boy, he'll settle in and have friends in no time. Maybe when I come to pick him up from school he'll be begging to stay!

"Now as for you, we gotta get your haircut. I can't even see your eyes!" I look at Izuku in his car seat.

"Ba!" Izuku squeaks.

"Yes, a bath too. Haircut and bath." I nod and pull out of the school, leaving Tenko.


Tenko POV:

I walk behind a teacher into the classroom and she tells me to sit at the back table. I notice a lack of people in the back, and I don't hate that. Making friends would be nice but so is not being bothered. The teacher hands me a folder but she acts like she's scared to get close to me. Maybe some other kids bit her or something, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. After a short introduction of the class we were told to go outside to the playground.

"Hey, new kid. Yagi!" A boy yells at me.

"Hm, what?" I ask.

"Are the rumors true?" The boy's friends laugh.

"What rumors?" I look at them confused.

"You killed your whole family and now you're a prisoner at our school!" He shouts.

"You're a crazy villain!" Another boy laughs.

"You'll kill us too if we aren't careful." A third boy points.

"That's not true! Stop it." I shout and a crowd appears.

"Watch out everyone, Yagi is going to attack! What we need is a hero to take him down." The first boy yells and he activates his quirk. Blue beams of energy come soaring by me, 1 hits me in the chest.

"Hey, cut it out!" I demand but my shouts are ignored as another boy kicks my side hard. I skit across the floor and my shirt tears.

"Come on Yagi, don't threaten us! You're a weak villain, and you never stood a chance. We're going to grow up to be great heroes and you'll be rotting in prison!" He laughs.

This situation is too familiar, he reminds me of my old dad. His twisted face, the threatening eyes, even his voice is like a slap in the face. They don't want me to be a hero, why can't I be a hero? I hate this, I hate this, I HATE THIS! But I can't lose control, or I'll prove their point. So I stand up and walk away while I still have a grasp of not losing control of my quirk.

"Come back Yagi, are you scared? Does the villain know his place now? Ha!" The boys laugh as I stumble over to a dark tree.

How did they know about my quirk and my old family? Who told them? This isn't fair. I knew school was awful, I knew it. Even that teacher was scared of me. Did dad tell them? Why would he do that to me? I bet it was just in my files, like he didn't have a choice about telling them. Still, he could've warned me. Because this is the worst, I hate being mocked. I wish I could go to school with Touya and Fuyumi but they go to a private school. Dad thinks it's important for me to attend a public school so I can meet all kinds of people. Right now the only people I've met are bullies.

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