e l e v e n

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I woke up to the sound of my phone, alerting me of text messages. I opened my eyes and immediately felt the pounding of my headache. Looking to my left, I saw Kian fast asleep. The time on my phone read 10:14am. 

"Kian... time to wake up." I said, tracing my fingers over the tattoos on his exposed arm. 

"Not yet." Kian groaned, throwing his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him- the feeling of butterflies filling my stomach.

"Yes. What do you wanna do today?" I asked him, hoping that starting a conversation would wake him up. 

"Whatever you want to do." He yawned. 

"That's not how it works, I've been doing whatever I want since summer started, this week is up to you." I laughed, playfully throwing his arm off of me.

"Knock knock!" My mom's voice called from the other side of my door as footsteps ascended the stairs.

"Come in!" I responded sitting up.

"Good morning you...two." My mom greeted, surprised to see another body in my bed. "Your grandparents and auntie Lynn are coming over today for grandma's birthday. I need you guys to run a couple errands for me before they get here in a few hours." 

"Okay, we'll get dressed and come down right away." I yawned, stretching my arms up. 

"There's pancakes on the counter and- what's on your arm? Alexia is that really what I think it is?!" My mom asked, her voice going an octave higher.

Fuck. My tattoo.

"It is exactly what you think it is. I'm an adult mom, and I'm very happy with it." I calmly said, looking down at the ink and smiling. 

"Sometimes I forget you're not 15 anymore... you're gonna give your grandma a heart attack when she sees it." She sighed with a laugh before shutting my bedroom door.

"I thought you were going to freak out having to tell her about it, good job." Kian said, holding up his hand which prompted me to high five it. 

"Now get up, we have things to do." I grabbed his hand, attempting to pull him out of bed.


"That's the last of the groceries, I'm going to get ready now." I told my mom, as Kian and I took off our shoes and went upstairs to my room. I went into my closet and looked through my dresses. I heard Kian collapse onto my bed with a sigh. 

It's been a few years since I'd seen my grandparents since they live all the way across the country in Alaska. My aunt came to visit last year, so it hasn't been that long since we've seen her. I wanted to look nice for today and Kian did too, considering the last time he saw my family was when he was a kid. 

"What about this one?" I asked Kian, holding up a long, dark green corset-style lace dress.

"Hmm... it's too much." He eyed the dress. I rolled my eyes before putting it back.

"Okay, and this one?" I came around the corner and held up a short red dress, which happened to be what I wore to a formal my sophomore year of university. 

"Pretty but kinda slutty." He responded. 

"Kian!" My jaw dropped. 

"What? I think it would look really good on you but not for this kinda thing." He smirked. I returned it to my closet and searched for a few minutes. I decided to change into this one and show Kian once it was on me rather than just on the hanger. It was a floral ruched mini dress that fit me perfectly. 

"Did you die in there?" Kian asked. I adjusted the straps and let my hair down that I had curled this morning. 

"What do you think?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips as I walked out. 

"Damn. That's- that's definitely the one." He said, looking me up and down. I felt my cheeks heat up, so I walked away to my dresser to look for jewelry. After searching through my jewelry box, I found the necklace I was looking for, but for some reason couldn't get the clasp on. 

"I got you." Kian said, and I felt him come up behind me, taking the ends of the necklace and putting it on me. 

"Thank you." I smiled, turning to face him and realizing we were standing really close, but it wasn't uncomfortable. He stared into my eyes with an expression I couldn't quite read. Maybe it was longingly, or a yearning feeling, but at the same time it seemed curious. That familiar feeling of butterflies returned to my core. I pulled my gaze away and fixed one of the buttons on his shirt, my hand resting on his chest for a moment after. 

"We should probably head downstairs." I quietly said, meeting his eyes for a second and noticing the small smirk playing on the edge of his mouth.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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