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Lexi's POV

Kian and I walked towards the car, and he decided to drive, since I drove here. After we got shakes we just walked around and went into a few places we went to as kids, and went to the mall too. It was nice spending the entire day together, I realized I really did miss him.

We must've lost track of time because it was now 7:18 pm. We put our bags in the backseat and plugged in my phone to charge, as it had died hours ago.

"Be nice to my car." I told Kian as he started it.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed.

"She's... on the older side. So be gentle." I sternly told him. A few seconds later, my phone rang with a FaceTime call from Baylee. I pressed the green circle and we connected a second later. 

"Hey, where've you been?" She asked. 

"Kian and I have been in the city all day, why?" I responded. 

"I tried texting you but you never answered." She said. 

"Oh, my phone died a few hours ago, sorry." I told her. 

"Anyways, Kaia is having a party tonight, do you guys wanna go?" She asked us. I glanced over at Kian and he shrugged with a nod. 

"Yeah we'll come." I told Baylee. "I'm sure you'll see some people from elementary and middle school there." I turned to Kian. 

"That'd be fun." He smiled. 

"What time?" I asked my best friend. 

"We'll probably leave around 8:30, I can come pick you guys up. I'll be our designated driver." She responded. 

"Okay, sounds good. Thank you." I told her, looking outside, as the sun had just set and the sky was getting dark. 

"No problem, see you soon." She said before hanging up. I connected to Bluetooth and went to Spotify to choose music for the drive. 

"Since when do you go to parties?" Kian asked, an amused smile on his face. 

"I guess I've changed. Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked with a laugh.

"I just can't picture this innocent, sweet girl sitting beside me going to parties." He laughed. 

"You think I'm innocent, huh?" I asked, and it was my turn to have the amused expression. 

"You're saying you aren't?" He asked me. 

"That's exactly what I'm saying..." I laughed to myself. 

"Have you drank?" Kian asked. 

"Many times." 

"Snuck out?"

"Yep, a few times." 

"Done any drugs?" 


"Are you a virgin?" 

"... Okay so maybe I am more innocent than I thought." I hesitated, not particularly wanting to answer that question, although I'm sure my lack of an answer said enough. 

"Hey that's not a bad thing." He said. "I am too." He glanced over at me for a second. 

"You are not a virgin..." I scoffed. 

"You're right, I'm not." He laughed, causing me to roll my eyes. 

"I mean look at you. So many girls must think you're so attractive." I said, looking at him. 

"Ah, so you do think I'm attractive." He said, looking at me again, as I looked away, my cheeks heating up. 

"Just drive, Lawley." I laughed, changing the subject quickly. 

"Well you didn't deny it..." 

And he was right, I most definitely did not deny it. 

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