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Lexi's POV

We got home and we brought our bags upstairs, Kian taking his to the room he was staying in as I went to my room. I looked at my phone and saw that the time was now 8:00, leaving us with 30 minutes until Baylee would be here. I grabbed my straightener, and even though I had straightened it to go into the city earlier, it was windy out so I needed to restraighten it. I plugged the heating tool in beside my desk and a few seconds later, Kian walked in and plopped onto my bed.

"Your bed is comfy, I might have to crash here instead." He said, getting comfortable, and throwing a blanket over himself.

"As long as you don't steal all the covers, sure. And my bed was neatly made until you got in it! So thank you." I laughed.

"You're welcome. And deal." He responded with a smirk.

"Hey, Lexi?" I heard my mom call. I didn't think she was home.

"Yeah?" I called back, and saw that my tattoo was completely exposed, causing me to panic.

 "Uh, one second mom!" I frantically looked around for a sweatshirt until Kian threw my blanket at me, and I wrapped it around me just as my mom stopped in my doorway.

"Hey you two." My mom smiled at Kian and I.

"Hi." I said, clearing my throat. "I thought you weren't home?"

"Yeah, your father and I are spending the night at the Smith's lake house, but I forgot a couple things. And are you cold? It's kinda warm in here." My mom said.

"Just a little chilly. Um, Kian and I are going to hang out with Baylee, she's picking us up in half an hour." I told her.

"Okay, well make sure to lock the doors when you leave and when you get home. Be safe and have fun." She said to us, before heading downstairs. I sighed in relief.

"I was actually starting to sweat." I said, throwing the blanket back at Kian.

"She's gonna find out eventually, you know." He told me, putting the blanket over himself again.

"Well I don't want 'eventually' to be now." I responded, picking up my straightener to find out it was done heating up.

I ran it through my hair a few times before Kian spoke.

"So is this like a big party or just a little get together?" He asked.

"Not massive, but probably like 40-50 people. We can probably go to a bigger one if you want before you leave." I told him.

"Okay. This is just surprising to me, that you like going to parties..." He said, looking at me.

"What, you don't think I can have fun?" I asked, running my hairbrush through my now-straightened hair.

"I didn't say that... it's just that you've never really been that type, I feel like. I didn't expect you to be that type." He shrugged. "And it's not a bad thing, I love going to parties too."

"Okay... though last time you saw me we were 13 and I was pretty lame." I shrugged, turning off my straightener. I grabbed one of my Bath & Body Works perfumes and sprayed myself a couple times. We had about fifteen minutes until Baylee would arrive, and we just ended up going on our phones.

"She's here." I said, receiving a text from my best friend. We headed out the door and the familiar red Honda was parked on the street.

"Hey girly," I greeted as we got in the car.

"Hey Lex, hey Kian." She said, and once we got buckled, she pulled out onto the street. It was about a twenty minute drive to the party. When we arrived, there were already a dozen or so cars parked on the street, and I'm sure the amount would double as the night goes on. The three of us walked into the house and Baylee immediately headed for the kitchen. 

"Hey Lexi!" I recognized the voice calling my name and Evan walked up to me. 

"Evan, hi." I smiled, hugging him. Since Kian got here, I haven't had a chance to hang out with him.

"You look gorgeous. Who's this?" Evan asked, referring to Kian. His hand rested around my waist and I saw that Kian had noticed. 

"Uh, Evan this is Kian-" I started to introduce the two. 

"Kian Lawley! Oh man, how are you?" Evan realized, obviously remembering going to middle school together.

"Good man, how about you? It's been so long." Kian forced a smile. 

"I'm doing great, and I'm glad to hear." Evan nodded. 

"I'm gonna go see if I know anyone..." Kian said to me quietly before walking away. That was weird.

"Are you thirsty?" Evan asked me. 

"Yeah." I nodded, and we weaved our way through people towards the kitchen. We poured ourselves a drink each and danced around to the loud music. I caught a glimpse of Baylee every so often, talking to different people and having the best time. I swear every person that meets Baylee just loves her, it's always been that way. 

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom, I'll be right back." Evan said, leaving me standing in the kitchen. I was eyeing the room and noticed a group of girls talking and laughing with someone... Kian. A flicker of insecurity, or almost jealousy ran through my body when I saw that. I looked away and started to pour myself a second drink, making this one stronger than the first.

"Hey." I looked up and saw Kian standing next to me. 

"Hi. What was that about earlier, when we first got here?" I asked him, pouring pina colada flavored soda into my cup. 

"When your boy toy Evan was all over you?" Kian asked, reaching in front of me to grab a beer. 

"Is that jealousy I sense?" I questioned, giving my drink a stir. 

"Maybe it is, but don't act like you're not jealous either." He winked at me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged and put on my best poker face. 

"When I had four or five girls all over me? It looked to me like you were jealous." He said, coming closer to me until he was half a foot from me. 

"But don't worry, you don't need to be jealous." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine before walking away. 

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