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Lexi's POV

"Oh my god I missed you." Kian said, letting go of me.

I looked at him, wishing I could say the same.

"Kian, this is Baylee. Baylee, this is Kian." I introduced the two.

"Hey. Nice to meet you." Kian smiled.

"Nice to meet you too..." Baylee said, looking at him in pure awe.

"So how was your flight?" I asked Kian, turning my attention away from Baylee who was basically drooling over Kian.

"It was good, except for the fact that the guy next to me would not stop snoring." Kian said, as the three of us watched as suitcases began to fall down the conveyer belts. No one said anything until we'd walked out of the airport and were in the car.

"I'm sorry." Kian said, thinking I was getting the apology I waited seven years for.

"For what?" I clarified.

"I just showed up out of the blue. I should've talked to you first instead of just booking a flight. For all I know you could be mad at me and not even want me here." He said, causing a wave of guilt to go over me.

"No it's fine." I said, keeping my eyes on the road as I pressed my foot on the gas pedal when the light turned green.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah. Positive. It's not like I had any plans anyways." I told him, feeling eyes on me for a second or two.

"What have you been doing since we last saw each other?" Kian asked me.

"It's gonna take a long time to tell you everything I've done in the past seven years." I said.

"Well how about recently?" He asked.

"My dad passed away a few days before my 16th birthday and we moved into a different house after graduation. And now I'm going to Iowa State University." I summed up the important things that'd happened since he left. "But what about you?" I asked him.

"I had a YouTube channel with five other guys for a while but now I just have a channel with my best friend, his name is Jc." He explained.

"What do you make videos of?" Baylee asked.

"Anything. Challenges, collabs, sometimes vlogs." He said.

"That's really cool." She said.

"Yeah." Kian nodded. We actually talked quite a bit on the ride back to my house. Once I'd parked the car beside my moms car, the three of us unbuckled and got out. Kian and I walked around to the trunk so he could grab his suitcase. I went to the front door and unlocked it, stepping inside.

"Mom?" I called out, hearing talking coming from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, followed by Kian and Baylee, to see my mom and her boyfriend Aaron sitting at the stools at the island drinking wine.

"Kian!" She smiled, standing up and giving him a hug.

"Hi Deb." He smiled, hugging her back.

"Kian, this is Aaron, Aaron, this is Lexi's best friend." She introduced the two, causing me to sigh. Best friend? Not really.

"It's nice to meet you." Kian said, shaking his hand.

"We're gonna go take his stuff upstairs." I told my mom as the three of us walked up the stairs, Kian carrying his suitcase. We walked into the spare room.

"You can sleep in here, and the bathroom is across the hall, my room is right next to yours and then my moms is at the end of the hall." I showed him around when all of a sudden Baylee's phone started to ring. She answered and I couldn't hear what she was saying.

"My dad wants me home now so I'll talk to you later. It was nice meeting you Kian." Baylee said, walking down the stairs and out the front door.

"Text me!" I called after her right in time before she shut the door. After she left I looked back to Kian, who was already looking at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him.

"Nothing really. It's just that you've... changed." He answered.

"I know..." I told him, walking into my room and sitting on my bed, wanting him to follow, and seconds later he sat down next to me.

"When you left I didn't have anyone. I wanted to fit in so I did what everyone else was doing; wearing makeup, going to the mall every weekend and gossiping constantly. I met Baylee two years after you moved, in junior year. We clicked immediately and were inseparable. I also met a girl named Sammy. They were my only friends for awhile til I met Evan, and the four of us were so close. A few years after that, Sammy moved and I still talk to her but not as much anymore. I changed on purpose Kian." I realized I was rambling.

"You didn't change in a bad way, and I think I can get used to this new Lexi." He smiled a little.

"Kian, Lexi, why don't you guys order a pizza?" My mom called from downstairs.

"Okay." I called back, grabbing my phone and looking up the number for Domino's.


hopefully you guys are liking this book so far...


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