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7   Y E A R S  L A T E R  . . .

Sioux City, Iowa ,Thursday, August 17th

Lexi's POV

I took the key out of the ignition and stepped out of the car after picking up Baylee from her house. 

"We should go to Brandon's party tonight." Baylee said, as we walked up the couple steps to the front door of my house, her duffel bag in her hand. 

"Okay. When is it?" I asked, pushing open the front door and holding it open for Bay. 

"It starts at eight-thirty, and because it's Brandon, it most likely won't end until two or three in the morning." She said quietly, knowing my mom was home. I nodded in agreement, closing the door as we slipped our shoes off before going down the hall into the kitchen. 

"Hey girls." My mom said, sitting at the kitchen table reading a book, a mug in front of her. 

"Hey. Do you mind if Baylee and I go out tonight? Jessica is inviting over a bunch of friends to celebrate her 21st birthday." I lied, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and handing it to Baylee, then grabbing a second one for myself. 

"Sure, just drive safely or if you need me to pick you two up then call me." She eyed us both over her book. 

"Yeah, yeah, we will." I routinely answered, Baylee laughing.

"We're gonna go get ready then." I said, picking up my purse that I'd set down on the counter when we walked into the kitchen. 

"Oh, wait. I need to talk to you about something Lexi." My mom said. 

"I'll go start getting ready." Baylee said, going to my room upstairs, leaving me and my mom.

"Yes?" I asked, leaning against the granite-top island. 

"I was talking to Jennifer a few days ago..." She began to say, closing her book partly and looking at me. 

Jennifer? Jennifer who? My mom knows like four... a couple of them I know...

"Jennifer...?" I questioned. She took a deep breath in.

"Lawley." She said, and almost instantly my stomach dropped. 

"Um... w-why were you talking to her?" I asked, getting more nervous by the second. 

"Kian is coming." She blurted.

"WHAT?!" I raised my voice.

"It's only for a week, and he's staying with us..." She said happily.

"Jennifer is coming too right? Or Isabelle, or Tab?" I questioned, dreading her answer.

"No... just Kian." 

"Oh my god mom, why?!" I asked, panicking.

"It's been six years-" 

"Seven years." I interrupted. 

"-since you saw him and he wanted to come visit before both you guys start school again in less than a month. Don't you wanna see him again?" She asked, her smile fading at the end.

"Well, no- I don't know, I just, never mind." I sighed. 

"I told Jennifer that you would pick him up at the airport tomorrow." She faked a smile. I nodded, not saying a word, and going up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me, seeing Baylee going through my clothes. 

"So what was that about?" She asked, pulling a black dress off a hanger and holding it up to her. 

"Um... Kian is coming. To visit." I said, a billion thoughts racing through my mind. I sat down on the bed.

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