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I woke up to the sun shining through my bedroom curtains. I looked over at my clock and saw that it was just after ten in the morning. I got out of bed and glanced down at my arm to see the plastic wrap covered rose tattoo. I threw on a sweatshirt as I didn't want my mom to find out about it just yet. I walked down the hall to the spare bedroom and peeked in the door to see that Kian was already awake and out of bed. I assumed he was downstairs so that's where I went.

Kian stood in front of the stove shirtless and in a pair of sweatpants. He turned around when he heard me coming.

"Morning. Do you want some eggs and bacon?" He asked. I tried not to stare at his body but it was hard not to.

"Umm," I cleared my throat, "yes please." I said, looking away. A few minutes passed until he set two plates of food on the table.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem." He smiled back from across the table, before taking a bite. I studied the tattoos covering his arms and quickly looked away when he noticed me looking.

"So what are we gonna do today?" He asked me.

"Oh I have to entertain you too?" I joked. "We could go to the city... we could go to the beach." I suggested, noticing the sun shining through the blinds. I hoped he wouldn't pick the beach.

"You can't swim though, so we should go to the city." He responded.

"I can swim." I lied. "It's just the fact that I don't want to." My dad passed away in a boating accident a few days before my 16th birthday. He was with some friends for a three-day fishing trip. There was a storm on their final day and the boat flipped. My dad and one other guy didn't make it, but the other two did. Ever since, I've hated the water. And I couldn't swim, so that incident didn't make me want to learn either.

"My mom told me, you know. About your dad." He said. I should've known my mom talked to Kian's mom about it. They're still best friends. My dad was like a second father to Kian growing up. Kian's dad wasn't exactly in the picture much, and my dad treated him like the son he never had. 

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Yeah, I figured. He was practically your dad too." I nodded, standing up and taking my plate to the sink. A few seconds later, Kian brought his dishes to the sink. 

"I'm gonna go get ready, what time are we leaving?" He asked me. 

"Half an hour? Forty-five minutes?" I suggested, heading upstairs behind him. 

"Okay." He responded as I went into my room and he went into the guest room. I closed my door behind me and went to my closet to find something to wear. I settled on a short black denim skirt, a burnt orange t-shirt, and my checkered Vans. Normally I would've just worn an old t-shirt and shorts, but I rarely go to the city so I wanted to dress up a little more. I picked out a couple necklaces to wear and straightened my hair. I put cream on my tattoo and wrapped it up. About forty-five minutes later, I was ready. 

I walked downstairs to find Kian waiting for me. He was wearing black ripped jeans and a striped t-shirt. He looked up when he heard me coming and his eyes glanced up and down at me, causing my face to heat up slightly. 

"You look nice." He said quietly said, causing me to smile a little. 

"Thanks. Ready to go?" I asked him, as I grabbed my car keys off the kitchen counter. 

"Yeah." He nodded and we went out the door. It was about a forty minute drive into the city and we listened to music and talked. We found a parking garage and decided we would just walk to places throughout the city instead of driving and repeatedly struggling to find a parking spot. 

"I think the last time we were walking down this street together was the last day of school of elementary school. We went to Rainforest Café to celebrate being done with elementary school and moving on to middle school. Remember that?" Kian said to me as we walked down Fourth Street. 

"Of course I remember that," I smiled. "When we were waiting for our food we decided to go look up close at the animatronic animals. The gorilla snorted and it scared the shit out of you." I laughed. 

"Hey, I didn't know it was gonna do that and it looked realistic at the time." Kian laughed, elbowing me in the side. We kept walking and turned down a few streets, just walking. I suddenly saw a familiar ice cream shop. 

"Kian!" I gasped. "We used to go there every time we'd come to the city. It's still here." 

"Last one there is a rotten egg." He teased, just like he always used to do when we were younger. He started running down the street towards the old shop. I had no choice but to run after him and a few seconds later we were inside. 

"What can I get you guys today?" A little old woman behind the counter asked us. She had on a nametag that read 'Bethany'. And I'm pretty positive it was the same woman who worked here from years ago. 

"We'll get two strawberry milkshakes." Kian answered without hesitation. We tried just about everything in this ice cream shop but the milkshakes were our favorite. It was our tradition up until he moved to come here at least two or three times a month. 

"Did you work here about ten years ago?" I asked her, as Kian grabbed his wallet to pay for our shakes.

"I've worked here for about twenty years." She smiled warmly, "why do you ask?" 

"We used to come here as kids." I told her. 

"What are your names? I do remember two young kids who were here quite often." She looked between the two of us. 

"I'm Lexi and this is Kian..." I stated, and her face lit up. 

"Oh my goodness... I do remember you two. You were my favorite regulars. It's been quite awhile hasn't it?" She laughed, handing us our milkshakes. 

"It has." Kian nodded.

"Well I hope I'll see you guys again soon. And you two make such a cute couple." She said to us as we headed towards the door. 

"I'm sure we'll be back and thank you." Kian responded, as we left the ice cream shop. 

"Apparently we make a cute couple." I laughed before I took a sip of the nostalgic shake. 

"Hey it's not that crazy of an idea..." Kian said, giving me a look. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stopped walking and looked at him. 

"Nothing. Come on..." He said, grabbing my hand to get me to keep walking. 

And neither of us let go. 

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