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Lexi's POV

"I need to talk to you about something." Kian said over the phone, as I sat on the counter, our home phone pressed against my ear. 

"Okay. Am I meeting you at the river?" I asked, although I already knew the answer. We always were hanging out at the park and river during the summer, as we didn't have a lot to do. 

"Yeah... meet me there in ten." He said, hanging up as I heard the click. I hopped down from the counter and went up to my room. I put on my dirty black converse and slid my iPhone 4 into my back pocket of my shorts. I left my room, walking downstairs and putting my hand on the front door knob before calling out,

"I'm going to the river with Kian!" 

"Be back by sunset." My mom yelled back from somewhere in the house. 

"Ok." I shut the door behind me, walking down the sidewalk for awhile before crossing the road to the park, seeing a familiar figure already walking through the open field toward the water. 

"Wait up!" I said, causing Kian to turn around and stop as I quickly caught up to him. We continued to walk, the evening August warm breeze going past us. Once we'd reached the river, we sat on the sandy edge, and after a few minutes in silence, I spoke.

"So what did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked. He took a deep breath in before answering my question.

"I'm moving." 

"You're joking." I looked at him. 

"I'm not." He said, tossing a rock to the river, skipping it three times before it sunk. 

"Kian why didn't you tell me this earlier?!" I raised my voice.

"Because I knew you'd be upset, you're just overreacting!" He said loudly, pain in his brown eyes. 

"I'm not overreacting Kian, we've been best friends for six years now and we're going into high school this year and now we won't be able to do it together!" I said, my stomach dropping. 

"You think this is just inconvenient for only you?" He mumbled.

"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

"I can come see you before I go if you want." He said.

"Wait when are you leaving?" I questioned.

"Tomorrow morning." Kian answered, as I felt a lump in my throat. 

"Okay... when do you want to meet and where?" I asked, standing up, as the sun was just starting to go down and I knew my mom would be so mad if I was home later than she said. 

"Here around eight o'clock?" He stood up too, and we began walking back through the park. 

"Okay. Don't be late." I faked a smile. 

"I won't..." He smiled. Before I'd realized, we reached the edge of the road where I go left to go home and Kian goes right.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning then." I said, looking at him. 

"Yeah..." He said, as we turned our separate ways, and as I walked, tears slipped down my cheeks. I made it home and slammed the door behind me, going up to room where I crawled into my bed, falling asleep, my cheeks still wet. 

I heard my alarm going off and sat up, reaching over onto the nightstand to turn off my alarm I set before I fell asleep last night. I changed into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, as although it's summer, it's still cool in the mornings, especially at 7:45. I quietly walked downstairs, my phone in my pocket, and went out the front door, beginning my walk to the river. I sat down on one of the benches once I arrived and waited for awhile, but after being alone for what seemed like a really long time, the sun going higher in the sky every few minutes, I checked the time on my phone. 

9:48 am.

My heart sunk, realizing that Kian wouldn't show up. 

He's never, ever  more than 5 minutes late...



this book has been sitting in my drafts since February 3rd, 2018, and it is now July 9th, 2018, and thought it was time to bring it into the Wattpad world, mostly because of my best friend @SamanthaBoober ... 


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