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I sat furthest from the gladers in the shopping centre. We had just escaped WICKED and were gathering stuff we'll need in the scorch. I could see Newt and Minho arguing with each other but I couldn't be bothered to ask what it's about.

"No!" Newt yelled. "I am not wearing a bloody scarf in the desert!"

"But it would help in a sandstorm!" Minho replied.

"No, you just think it's fashion."

"True. But my first point still stands."

I was getting fed up with their arguing and walked in between them. "Guys!" I yelled. "We shouldn't be yelling in here. For all we know cranks inhabit this place and arguing could draw them straight to us."

"Or, something much worse could find you." Came a mysterious voice from the darkness.

A knife then whizzed past my face and pinned Newt to the wall behind him. Another hit Minho's pants and he stood there in shock. I frantically looked around me, hoping to catch a clue of who threw those knives.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." The voice chuckled. "I just so happen to be your worst nightmare."

I was then pushed against a wall and a knife was pressed to my throat. I gazed into the eyes of my attacker. She had blazing green eyes, long (h/c) hair and a scar running down her left eyebrow. She glared into my soul with rage and I could sense a small amount of fear lurking behind her tough composure.

"Who are you?" She snarled.

"Technically he asked first." Minho interjected, struggling to remove the knife.

"I wasn't asking you." She spat at Minho. "Now tell me, who are you?" She said to me.

"Could you just remove these knives and we can talk in a calmer situation?" Newt piped up.

"Interrupt me one more time and this kid's blood will coat the floor." The girl threatened, pointing her knife at me.

"Okay. Okay. My name's Thomas and that's Minho and Newt." I frantically replied. "We aren't going to hurt you. Just please take back your knives."

She hesitantly removed the knife from my neck and went to free the others. The girl then walked back to the shadows of which she came from. "Oh, and Thomas, watch out for the cranks. Nasty creatures." She said before disappearing.

"So there are cranks here, then." Newt commented when the girl disappeared.

"We just need to get out of here." Minho said before he ran off to the others.

"You do that. I'm tracking down that girl." I said to myself.

"No." Newt firmly argued. "We're grabbing the others and tracking her down together. Who knows how many others like her there are."

"Fine." I muttered before following Minho.


We walked into the darkness that the strange girl had entered with our torches turned on. "I don't know why we're following some random girl that disappeared after threatening to kill us." Teresa protested from the back of the group.

"Shut up will you." Minho yelled at her.

"Shh, Minho. Remember what the girl said? There's cranks here and we should steer clear of them." I hissed at Minho.

We continued on in silence, swaying our lights every which way to see. I saw a silhouette of a girl walk in a room and stopped in my tracks. "I think I found her." I told the others.

"Well let's introduce ourselves." Newt suggested, moving to where the figure disappeared. We all quietly crept to the room and I could faintly hear crying. I gestured for the others to stop and walked down the hall and into the small room.

It was just four concrete walls with three red, locked doors along one side. I saw the same girl from earlier facing one of the walls with a dagger in one hand while the other brushed the dust from the wall. On it was a carving of four people; two girls and two boys. The girl in front of me had tears streaming down her face as she carved names next to each person's face. 'Thor', 'Hela', 'Loki' and 'Y/n'

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She jumped and looked at me with a tear stained face.

"Does it look like I'm okay?" She sarcastically asked, backing up from the wall and wiping her tears.

"Sorry, it was a stupid question, I know." I apologised. "I heard you crying and decided to check up on you."

"Well for your information, no I am not fine. I've lost both my parents, my sister, my brother and my only living brother abandoned me after the war."

"I'm so sorry. I have no idea what you're going through but trust me, it does get better. I've lost my best friend, my former leader and a lot of people just to get here."

"I never had a best friend. The only people who truly cared for me were my brother, Loki and the love of my life. But now they're gone, murdered right in front of me." She started to break down again and fell to her knees, crying.

I kneeled in front of her and gave her a hug which she hesitantly returned. "It's okay. It will get better. I'm here for you." I soothed her.

"Thank you, Thomas." The girl said when she finished crying. "I'm y/n Odinson, goddess of nightmares and fears."

"Pleasure to meet you, y/n." I replied, helping her to her feet.

I then heard a scream from the hallway and the other gladers ran to us. "What's happening?" Y/n asked.

"Cranks, they're coming for us." Winston panted as he prepped his gun.

"Crap." Y/n and I muttered at the same time.

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