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That-that's not possible.

Loki stared into my eyes, not saying a word. Tears were streaming down my face and I kept staring back in disbelief.

"H-how is this possible?" I stammered. "We saw you die, your body was destroyed in the explosion."

"Never mind all that," Loki replied, taking my shoulders in his hands. "What matters is that you have made a mistake trusting this group."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. The gladers have protected me and I protected them. "What?"

"They will be the cause for your death further down the road." His green eyes were stern and reflected his seriousness. "There is no way to stop what will happen. You need to leave before it's too late."

With that, Loki started to fade away into dust, much like the others did when the snap happened. His helmet dropped to the ground and melted into sand.

After a minute for my brain to comprehend what happened, I fell to my knees in silence. Were the gladers really going to be the reason I die? They couldn't be, although I swear Teresa wants to kill me in my sleep, she just doesn't have the balls.

The rumbling of thunder in the distance broke me from my train of thought. I turned around and saw the others running towards a building.

I got up from the floor and ran, hoping to escape this storm. I was gaining on the others, a few feet behind Minho when there was a loud crack and all I could see was blinding white.

I could hear people screaming my name before being pulled in by the darkness.

The shadow ~ maze runner x marvel x reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now