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Eventually the sun had set and I had regained most of my strength. Aris built a small fire and everyone gathered close around it. I leaned against Minho while Newt wrapped my leg with a clean bandage. "Can I ask you a question?" The blonde requested.

"Sure." I tiredly replied.

"Your...blood," he started. "Why is it like that?"

I glanced down at his hands that were coated in my strange blood. "I don't really know." I said. "It was like that when the flare first broke out. Ever since the disease showed up, my scars have been healing a more silver colour than the regular pink."

"That's interesting." Newt baffled.

"I'd suggest you wash your hands really well." I said after a while. "An old friend of mine got my blood on his hands and he got really ill."

Minho tossed Newt his water bottle so he could wash his hands. Newt then sat down next to Thomas and we all stared at the fire in silence. "I don't get it." Minho said. "Why did Winston get infected? I thought we were supposed to be immune."

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa commented.

"Look, if Winston can get infected then we can assume the rest of us can to." Newt stated, playing with a knife in his hands.

"I really hate to say it, but I miss the glade." Fry let a tear slide down his cheek as the other guys agreed with him.

After a while, everyone fell asleep until it was just Minho and I left awake. "So, are you going to go to sleep anytime soon?" I asked, fiddling with my necklace.

"I'm waiting until you do." Minho calmly replied.

"Oh, I don't sleep. I haven't for a long time."

"Why's that?"

"Because, they'll come." I shuddered.


"The spirits."

"Of people you know have died?"

"No. Dark shadows somewhat resembling a person but I can't picture who."

"What do they do?"

"They just chase me around yelling stuff at me in jibberish and they're always accompanied with a shadow of a dragon."

"It's just a dream. It can't hurt you."

"I know that, but it's hard to believe it."

"Just go to sleep for tonight, I promise I'll be right here if you need me."


I laid down on Minho's lap and closed my eyes. I let all of my stiff muscles relax and for the first time in 100 years, I slept.

The shadow ~ maze runner x marvel x reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now