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Once everyone had their stuff packed up, we were off to the mountains. The scorching heat from the sun gave everyone a bit of burning and headaches. After a few hours of walking across what used to be the ocean that passed through San Francisco, everyone became sluggish and slowed with their movements.

Minho lifted his water bottle to his mouth but it was empty. He closed the cap and threw it to the side. Seeing how parched he was, I grabbed my bottle from my bag and gave it to him.

"But it's your water," he protested. "You might need it later on."

I huffed in frustration and threw the bottle into his hands, which he clumsily caught. "Trust me, I will be fine. You need it more than me."

Minho smiled and drank the cool water, letting it cure his dehydration. He capped the bottle and handed it back to me. "Thanks," Minho sighed.

"No problem."

It was about two more hours before Thomas told us to set camp. The sun was going to set and there wasn't any shelter so we just laid down where we were. Everyone huddled together and slept. Minho was snoring by my side as I watched over everyone, making sure they were safe.

About an hour after everyone was asleep, I saw a figure not far from the group. Out of curiosity, I made my way over to them. I silently climbed past sleeping gladers and ran to the figure.

When I got closer I saw that they had a horned helmet that I recognised. That's not possible. I was finally standing in front of the mystery person with their back to me.

I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around, his green eyes staring straight into mine.

The shadow ~ maze runner x marvel x reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now