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We walked on in silence as Thomas lead the way. Frypan and Minho carried the stretcher that Winston was in while Newt and Aris walked beside me. "Look, we're really sorry about Teresa's behaviour back there," Newt started. "We all have our ways of dealing with stress in uncertain situations and Teresa's method is yelling at someone."

"Just stop." I replied. "I'm fine, a little hurt but nonetheless okay. Don't worry about me. Winston's the one you need to worry about at the moment."

"Yes, but we need to care for you as well." Aris interjected. "You've been through more than any of us combined."

"Just stop. Please." I asked.

The two of them stopped and let me walk off on my own. I saw a large piece of debris a few hundred meters away and headed in that direction. I could easily tell that the others were following me because of Winston's heavy breathing.

When we were all settled and Thomas had walked ahead, I sat by Winston to make sure he's okay. I sat down in the shade next to him and he opened his eyes. "How are you feeling?" I asked, fiddling with my bracelet.

"It's getting worse." Winston groaned out. "I keep losing myself in my mind and I'm scared of what would happen if I stayed there."

"Hey, it's okay. I promise that you're going to get through this." I reassured him.

I stood up and walked to where Minho was sitting emptying his shoes of sand. "Hey," he greeted as I sat down next to him. "How's he doing?"

"Winston's going to be fine for now." I replied, looking at the sick boy who kept trying to stand up. "I don't know for how much longer though."

"To be honest I don't think he'll make it another day in his condition." Minho admitted.

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Hey, how did you get that scar? The one on your face?" Minho asked after a while.

"Well," I began. "I got it from fighting Thanos, the titan that killed my brother. He flung his sword at me and it hit me in the face. I was still able to fight but everything was red through my vision."

"Does it still hurt?"

"Not anymore." I looked back at Winston and was shocked to see him walking towards me.

"Winston? You're meant to be resting." I stood up and held his arm to keep him steady.

"I-I need to talk to you...alone." He responded slowly.

"Okay..." I could tell something was wrong with him. His eyes had gone extremely dull and he had black blood spilling out of his mouth.

We both walked away from the others and up to another piece of debris close by. He shrugged off my arm and faced away from me. Winston said something I couldn't quite decipher and he leaned slightly to the side.

"What?" I asked.

"Kill...me. Please." He then turned to look at me and his eyes were completely black and lifeless. "Please."

The shadow ~ maze runner x marvel x reader (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now