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Trigger warning: an insane amount of gore

"I-I'm not going to kill anyone, Winston." I told the sick boy in front of me. "I can't. Not anymore, at least."

"Please." Winston begged. "I don't know how much longer I can take being like this."

I stepped back a little in the direction of the other gladers, scared as Winston kept raising his voice. "Please! Just end my suffering!"

"I can't!" I yelled at him, letting shadows spill from my palms in defence.

Winston grabbed my hands and put one to his forehead. "Just one blast. Do it." He closed his eyes and waited for the power blast that never came.

"I'm not going to kill you!" I shouted and took my arms back, wrapping them around myself. "I'm not killing anyone, ever."

"Why won't you do it, you bitch!" Winston then lunged at me as I screamed for him to stop. My cries attracted the other gladers to where I was and they were all shocked at what they saw.

Winston clawed at my forearm as I screamed, shadows spilling uncontrollably from my hands and eyes.

"Someone do something!" I heard Teresa yell.

"I'm not going to shoot at them!" Frypan yelled back. "I could hit Y/n!"

"Who cares? Just shoot one of them!" She then took the gun out of Fry's hand and fired it. The bullet hit my leg and I cried out in more pain.

Dark magic burst out of my body as I screamed and Winston's weight on my body lessened. His body then fell limp on my chest and I was pulled out from underneath him by Thomas and Newt.

I looked at where the glader once stood and all that was left of him was a mangled body. His head was busted open and his brain was oozing out, his eyes were just empty pools of blood and the rest of him was burned and smoking. I could hear Minho throwing up in the distance but I was too concerned with my own wounds.

My left leg had a gunshot wound that was leaking my blood which had mutated into a clear liquid with dark matter swimming in it. My right forearm had claw marks from Winston and was bleeding a lot as well.

"Great job, Teresa." Aris sarcastically remarked. "You shot Y/n."

"Well it wasn't my fault that she moved." The black haired girl retaliated.

"Could you both just shut up so Y/n doesn't get a headache!" Newt scolded the both of them as he tended my arm and leg.

Newt ripped his scarf in half and wrapped one piece around my clawed arm. "This may hurt a little, okay " he warned me as he grabbed a pair of tweezers from his bag and put them close to my open wound.

He plunged the tweezers into my thigh as I screamed in pain. Thomas gave me a pice of cloth to bite down on so I don't strain my vocal cords. Newt searched for the bullet in my leg for a while as I began to feel dizzy from all the blood I was losing. He finally pulled out a blood covered bullet and threw it to the side.

"What are we going to do about stitches?" Aris asked as he examined my arm.

"I have a sewing kit in my bag." Minho offered as he rummaged through his pack. He pulled out a small box with a needle and thread and gave it to Newt.

Newt quickly threaded the needle and countered to three. I gripped Thomas's hand as Newt began stitching my gunshot. By the time he was done I was about ready to pass out.

Once my leg was wrapped, Minho picked me up bridal style and carried me down to where the others were moments before the chaos that erupted earlier. I was put down in a rock with my back against the debris we were using as shelter.

"I think we need to set up camp here for the night." Thomas suggested to the group as everyone sat down.

"But it's still mid afternoon." Teresa protested.

"Y/n can't walk and we're all a little shaken up about what just happened up there." Thomas replied. "We all need to recover. We can continue heading to the right arm tomorrow."

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