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I heard a loud crack of thunder behind me and then a high pitched scream of pain. I stopped running and turned around and saw y/n unconscious on the ground, black smoke surrounding her. I let out a cry and ran to her side, calling her name. When she didn't respond, I picked her up and ran to the building in the distance.

The others looked at me in shock when I ran through the doors and collapsed from exhaustion. I carefully placed y/n on the ground and shook her shoulders, calling her name over and over again. Newt and Thomas shone a light at her face that was lined with scorch marks.

After a while, the girl in my arms finally woke up coughing. "Where are we?" she managed to get out. "How am I still alive?"

"It's okay, breathe." I rubbed circles on her back as she slowly sat up. "You just appeared out of no where from behind me and got hit by lightning."

"Damn," was her response.

There was a kind of growling/choking sound after a while. We all perked our ears up and flashed our torches around the room. Teresa's light landed on a crank that was chained to a barrel that was trying to get to us. Out of fear, we all stood up and tried to back up, only to be met by another chained crank on our other side. We were completely surrounded.

Y/n lifted her hand and tried to blast them all away, but we were all confused when her hands produces a small bloom of black and green mist with blue sparks mixed in with them. But nothing happened to the cranks. She looked at her hands in shock and tried to blast at them again, but nothing happened. "What's happening? Where'd my magic go?"

The room was then flooded in a bright light and we all turned to face someone standing at a door. They made their way through the group of cranks without flinching and looked all of us up and down. She had short hair and a very messy get up. "Looks to me like that lightning strike rreset your powers, so you're at square one again. I'm Brenda by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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