My current state

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I'm drinking cans of diet cola
Whilst I swallow diet pills
But it will never be enough
For me to class myself as ill
There are lines along my wrist
Covered by hoodies in the house
But nobody ever notices
And my own mind has it doubts
Am I just desperate for attention
Or am I genuinely fucked
But either way I wont get help
Because of the lies that they make up
And they leave me feeling hopeless
As my thoughts race around my head
Though I can't bring myself to do it
I'd be better off if I was dead
But if I die I'll still be fat
My soul still longing to be thin
So I'll just cut and starve and purge
To lose that weight and win
However people try to say
I should give my life a shot
Just walk a mile in my shoes
You'll see why I'd rather not
But listen to these final lines
Now you have reached the end
I could never commit to ending it
So dont worry about me friend

poems by meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt