another short poem about food

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My mum told me
don't make promises that you'll break
So that's why i dont promise
That I'll clear my plate
There's vomit in the toilet
And salty tears stream down my face
But im crying
Because i lied and i feel my heart race
I told you
I'll get better and I'll be fine
But its not true
And i only eat so that i dont die
But i want death
And i want to be small and thin
Believe me i try
But this is a war i cant win
Im fighing it
Somewhere deep inside my mind
Even though
We all know that my brain is unkind
To this small body
That houses every evil thought
And when i try
To get better i know I'd rather not

What am i if im not sick?
I'm nothing

poems by meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang