My pillow holds my secrets

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My pillow holds my secrets,
It knows them all too well.
If my pillow was a person,
Then my life would be hell.

It's knows the people I like,
And have had crushes on before.
It knows about my friendships,
And the pets that are no more.

It knows about my home life,
It knows about my struggles.
It's seen my old relationships,
It's there when I need cuddles.

It holds the tears I shed at night,
When no one is around.
It holds my pain and anger,
It traps all of the sound.

It makes sure I feel better,
It's there when I'm not okay.
It's here for me no matter,
The time of night or day.

My pillow is a diary,
That only I know how to read.
My pillow holds my secrets,
And it's the only friend I need

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