Prized Gem

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"Do you think i look okay?"

Ana and Stefani craned their necks to look towards me, their mouths falling open slightly.
My mother started tearing up, raising her hands to cover her mouth, "You look so beautiful Gracie".

The view from the top of the grand staircase made me realise how big this space of the house was. The chandelier hung, the sunset glistening on it and light being refracted everywhere. The paintings of family and our past hung silently, the eyes of my ancestors staring at me.

I nodded slowly to the pet name she called me, i gradually accepted its place, like it was hovering over me in neon lights.

The stairs seemed to go on before me, my feet shaking in the heels my mother had picked for me.

They would go so well with your dress.

The red dress stuck close to my body, holding and curving around too many shapes.

I plucked the courage to step, as gracefully as i could, down the stairs. Each time i managed to clear one step, another in its place.

Ana smiled brightly, "You will look so great with Bradley".

I cringed at his name, and it didn't go unnoticed. Mother dearest noticed, she always does.

I reached the bottom step, Stefani reaching for my arm, "Are heels really your thing?". Always the saviour.

Stefani always new me the best, she understood me to a deeper level. We had tried all the stuff most best friends would try, trying on each others clothes, doing each others makeup. She had also seen me half naked, so there was no going back on our friendship.

"I think they look nice", Cheryl chirped in, walking past the small gathering in her baggy low waisted jeans and crop top. Her auburn hair flowed behind her powerful strides, "You seriously going to that dance?".

"I am", I smiled, the concern glowing from her face.

Ana urged in, "We're all going!".

Cheryl smiled sarcastically to Ana, turning her attention, "Am i alright to take the audi tonight?" her eyes lifted to mother.

She shrugged, "You know where your dad is", looking Cheryl up and down as she ascended the stairs.

That was her usual response, she never liked having to make a decision. Unless it came down to what people wore, we couldn't let people know we wanted to dress comfortably. She'd probably have a heart attack.

"On the note of cars, Mother, could i drive in the-", Mother cut me off short with a glare, "Ookayy then", i dragged my frustration out.

I glance at the watch on my wrist, a heirloom as such, from my Grandmother. I didn't know much about her, except i got my name from her.

Stefani looked to Ana, then back to me.

"Shit- Shoot its almost 5", I felt my face burn up. My mother coughed, i felt the heat radiating off her.

"Not before i see you", came a light voice.

"My old man!", I smirked, twirling in the dress like a five year old.

The slight grimace on his face made me pause, Was i not pretty enough?

He walked down the stairs, pausing and looking at my hair. Normally it would be straight but i thought i could wear my authentic wavy-ish hair for once.

The walls seemed to be so far away, my breathing deepened, the eyes from everyone else all on me.

"You look- perfect", He swallowed, his mouth twitching into a slight smile.

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat, "Im ready to go then".

Cheryl rushed down the stairs, "Im driving".

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