Lollipop Sucker

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Bradley stood with his shitty group of friends, all ogling at us. Bradley stepped forward, pulling on my waist, "Could you fit in it?".

Stefani remarked, "What size suit is that, Braddie?"

His friends oohed and ahhed at her comment and Bradley seemed to burn up.

"Cmon babe", He tugged on my arm, it hurt. I had to tell him.

"Bradley, i cant be with you anymore", i mumbled. The car turned off behind me, Cheryl jumping out.

His face contorted, "You said what?".

Cheryl stood behind me, her hair flowing, like she was a greek goddess of some sort. Bradley tugged on my arm, his teeth gritted.

"Your nothing but a little slut in a dress", He gripped my arm tighter.

Cheryl leaned to grab at his wrist, "You better fuck off dipshit".

He wriggled under her grasp, "Get off me bitch".

She scoffed, "Poor choice of words". She shoved him backwards, his grip on me loosening. Stefani pulled me back, holding me from behind by the shoulders.

Bradley got up and received a kick to the groin. He yelled in pain and the pang in my heart lessened. Cheryl turned and reached for the necklace, gazing into my eyes as she undid it.

"Leave her alone now Bradley", She smiled, as she chucked it towards him. Turning back she kissed me on the forehead, "Look after her Stef, i know you will".

She winked.

She knew.

Stefani fidgeted as Cheryl returned to the car, turning the radio up, the bass vibrating the floor as she revved the engine and zoomed off.

Ana grabbed mine and Stefs hand, pulling us towards the school. I didnt look behind me, just carried on walking.


Ana jumped straight into singing and dancing, Stef stepping forward and grabbed two cups of punch, holding one out to me.

I swallowed hard, my mouth dry, she knew. I looked to Stefani who gazed back in concern. I reached for her hand, but the doors burst open.

Bradley appeared, looking around and smiling. I followed where his eyes were roughly.


I almost choked, moving past Stef and making a line to Ana. The warmth in the group of people dancing creeped down my exposed back. I reached for her hand, searching and meeting her face on.

"Its Bradley", I yelled over the music.

She nodded, a guy stood behind her. He must've been part of a rugby team, he was ginormous. He smiled as Ana explained to him.

"Ill keep him stalled for you darling", his politeness compared to his voice shocked me.

"Darling?", I echoed, grabbing her hand again, pulling her to the side.

"Its a talking stage", She replied.

Stefani looked relieved until her eyes landed past my shoulder to the crowd. The "built like a brick shit house" was swinging at one
of Bradleys guys. Ana jumped back into the crowd and cheered him on.

Stefani grabbed my wrist, "We have to go, she'll be fine".

"God i hope your right", I wobbled with her, the adrenaline racking through my body. My lungs seizing up.

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