Three S's

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I jolted awake, breathing deeply. Stefani sat up quickly with me, holding onto my thigh.

"Whats up?", She murmured, rubbing her tired eyes.

Was i just dreaming all of that?

I reached and looked out the window in-front of her, seeing the beach stretch out before the car. Stefani blew air onto the side of my neck, the feeling running down and through my spine.

I flinched away from her, pulling back to glare at her. She smiled, raising an eyebrow at me. Cheryl snorted,

"We have, like, five minutes till we're there".

I stared at Stefani for a little longer, her eyes burning into mine. Cheryl honked the horn a few times, pulling the car into a small gap. She set the parking brake on, jumping out of the car and hugging a group of people.

Stefani ran her hand up my arm, leaning to mumble in my ear. I gasped softly watching as she bit her lip and got out of the car.

I got out the same side, being greeted by a few girls saying how pretty i looked. Stefani nodded in agreement, smiling at me.

Cheryl ruffled her hair, the auburn waves flowing as the wind hit us, "Drinks?"


The sand filled the gaps between my painted toes as the group walked down a slightly slanted sand dune, a small painted van stood in glory. Its bright neon patterns being highlighted by the early moon. I gazed in awe as we got closer. I trailed my finger around the patterns, walking to the bonnet of the vehicle.

A few other previously hidden cars stood against the sand.

They all faced a fire pit with already burnt wood in the centre. Cheryl ran behind me, rooting through the van and coming out with a large bottle. She spread its contents everywhere, someone lighting a match and letting it fall into the pit.

The fire grew, reaching for the sky. I stepped back, large hands held against my waist. A deep voice croaked, "I got you".

That was not Stefani.

The sweat built along my back, "Get the fuck off of me".

I spun, yelling at this guy. He stepped back, "I didn't mean no harm"

Stefani was at my side, "Just a long night pal, no problem". She pulled me to one side, "You're tired".

No, i just don't want to be here.

"Cheryl, I'm gonna go sit in the car, i'm still so exhausted",  i exaggerated my sentence. The keys came flying my way. I turned on my heel and stalked up the dune back to the Audi, still not replying to Stefani.

I got to the top, but decided to sit on the sand. Stefani stood watching me.

"Its pretty, isn't it Stef?" I murmured.

Stefani nodded, "Sea, Sand and sex".


"The band, obviously", She giggled, taking a space next to me. I looked at her, the unruly curls dawned her shoulders. The wind nipped at her cheeks, them appearing redder than usual. The freckles like the stars in the sky.

I gazed around, not noticing her hand creep into mine. I stared down at our bunched hands and then back to her. She scooted closer, our arms connecting.

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