Miss and Miss

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I run my finger over my wrist, blinking a few times. I look to the front of the car. Cheryl is arguing the toss at someone cutting her off.

Stefani rests a hand on my thigh, pressing her head into the crook in my neck. Is she asleep?

I gaze out of the window, watching the night creep in.

"Yous two girlfriends now?"

"What?", My heart drops.

Stefani yawns, sitting up, pulling her hand away.

"Forget it", Cheryl chuckles, "It don't bother me".

I must've blushed, Stefani looked in my direction and smiled slightly. She looked away again.

"How long were we out for?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

She shrugged her shoulders.

I nodded, "Are we close to our destination Miss Fellor?"

Cheryl smirked, looking in the rearview mirror, "About another half hour, why Miss Fellor?"

I smiled, "I might nap again then".

I move to touch her hand, she flinches away from me and then instantly puts her hand back to mine. I flip her hand palm up.

Whats up?

She shakes her head, leaning into me. She buries her head into my neck again, her unruly curly hair tickling my shoulder.

Theres the feeling again, butterflies kinda. But its in my head instead. I turn my body so she lies directly on the outside my legs, she looks up at me. I play with her hair, trailing her neck. She leans into me, her hand resting on my thigh.

The dress feels looser, i'm grateful being able to do this in it.

I lean into the corner of the seat, attempting to sleep again.

She runs her finger on the outside of my thigh. I wrap my arms around her.

Im grateful for Cheryl not judging, i guess she always must've known, guessed, assumed.

She presses herself into me deeper.

I look to Cheryl who is still concentrating on the road.

Stefani holds onto my leg, yawning and seeming to be sleeping.

I tilt my head up and gaze as the stars start dotting the sky. I sigh deeply, slipping down wrapping my arms tighter on Stef. This felt so normal.

He's there.

He's on top of me, holding me down at the wrists.

Im writhing, trying to free myself.

Stop. Please.

"Stay still", He pushes my legs apart.

My stomach is flipping, i feel like ill hurl everywhere.

I breathe in to scream, his hand on my mouth tightly.

I flail my arms, scratching at his arms, reaching at his face.

I feel a pain in between my legs, i cant.

I open my mouth under his grasp and bite him.

Im trying to bring my legs up, trying to kick him off.

He's calling my name.

Theres ringing in my ears. Tears in my eyes.

He collapses on top of me.

A hand grabs at my face, "You tell no one"

"Tell your dyke friend to stay out of it too, or ill get my boys on her".

His spit is flying everywhere. His cologne stings my eyes. Swamps my nose.

He grabs my neck, i stare at him with wide eyes.

I cant breathe. I feel my throat being crushed.

Im clawing at his arms, digging my nails into him.

He pulls off of me.

I scream in pain, watching as he smiles at my suffering.

He moves away, walking out.

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