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Stefani was quick, with the fact she was wearing converse. She pulled me into the girls toilets and walked with me into the cubicle, pulling me in with her,


She indicated to the toilet seat. I sat, pulling the heels off and attempting to gather my breath.

She crouched in-front of me, "Again?".

I nodded slightly, the tears springing to my eyes. She grasped my hand, "Shh, C'mere". I stood up, meeting her arms as she leaned back into the door.

She reached her hands up, brushing the hair from my face. I cradled her face, lost in her eyes. The pit in my stomach worsened.

Stefani hesitated, "Grace?".

I scrunched my face up, burying it in her neck. I cried softly, remembering everything i hated about Bradley and everything i wish i could have with Stefani.

A hand reached up to my cheek, it was met with warm salty tears and smudged makeup.

"Woah, shit, Grace, whats up?" Stef held me tighter.

"I don't even know", I honestly didn't, i just wanted her. I reached my hands to the sides of her neck. She reached to hold my wrists, "Im here to listen".

I mumbled, "Just, hold me".

Her fingers lingered to brush my cheeks, holding onto my hair. She hesitated, moving off the door and standing up taller. Our height difference was apparent to me again.

We were cut short by the door opening and shutting, a few laughs echoing. Stef stared, her brown-green mix eyes widening in alert. She brushed my lips with her thumb as she let go frantically, reaching down to grab my heels for me.

"Do you want my shoes?" She mouthed.

I shook my head, "Ill call Cheryl, tell her it ain't working out". I opened the door, walking to the mirror to fix my hair. The girls looked to Stef instantly, one of them muttering something.

"What was that?" I let myself go. I didn't need to hear it again, i knew what it was.

"Lets just go Gracie", Stefani reached for my hand.

I shook free of her, "Hope you saw my sister before," I rammed my hand into this girls face, the slap bouncing of the walls, "Learnt a few things off of her".

I walked out, the cold floor wasn't the only thing hurting me. Stefani hung over me like a shadow.

"That was.. That was-",

I nudged her lightly with my arm, "Shut up, she deserved it".


Cheryl pulled the car up to the curb, "Want me to deal with him again?".

I shook my head, wincing at the ground. Before i could walk any further i felt two hands picking me up.

"What the fuck?"

Stefani cradled me again, "Hope i have your consent to do this". She muttered to herself whilst holding onto me and surprisingly my heels too.

"Stef theres people, people watching too", I hid my face in her jacket, just realising she hadn't dressed up.

Cheryl was smirking by the time i was put down, "I was right about you Steffy".

Stefani smirked, "Don't ever call me that again".

"No dodgy business in my backseat!", Cheryl yelled, jumping back into her seat leaning to turn the radio up.

I sat down in the front seat, pulling at the seatbelt and hearing it satisfyingly click.

Midnight MeetupHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin