In the Middle of the Night

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She climbed on top of me, i reached up to kiss her.

Her hands appeared, her lips reaching to my neck, planting small kisses above my collarbone.

I held her hand, lifting to kiss her fingers lightly; letting her other hand run through my hair.

Her nose grazed slightly on mine as she hesitated above my lips.

Her hair tickled my neck, her smile and eyes glinting above me.

Her hands held my waist as i lay underneath her.

She snakes her hand along my features, along my insecurities, resting it above my sleep shorts.

She looked back, "Is this okay?".

I nodded in response, shivering and waiting for her touch.

Her hand gently connected with the lower part of my belly.

I breathed in shakily, glancing as her hand continued down.

I relished her touch, the warmth radiating from my legs.

I stared up at her, she was as clueless as i was. She leaned down, kissing me again.

I paused. An indescribable emotion erupted from me.

Stef paused, looking at me.

"Keep going", I whispered, feeling like i had lost my voice.

I clung to her neck, my arms quivering under her touch. I let out a small exhale into her neck,

Stefani moved her hand slightly, kissing my neck slowly.

I exhaled shakily, watching her kiss just above my breasts.

Shaking underneath her, she moves back up to eye level.

"Do you want me to stop?" She spoke clearly.

I looked directly into her eyes, not giving an answer.

She pulled away, "Its okay".

I nodded, turning to look away from her. I didn't want her to see my tears.

"Its too soon", My voice cracked as i curled up.

She sat behind me, placing a hand gently on my shoulder.

Stefani crawled in, running her hands around my waist.

My eyes flitted around the room, the darkness in each corner. Stefani breathed in deeply, "You awake?".

I moved around, turning to find her wide eyed, "You were moving in your sleep".

I sat up quickly, rubbing at my tired eyes. Stef sat up with me, placing a hand on my arm.

I turn to look at her, feeling energy run through my veins. She gets up, finding her shirt on the floor and picking it up.

Attempting to run my fingers through my knotted hair, I sigh in frustration swinging my legs out from under the duvet.

Stefani peers through the curtains, turning to look back at me. We stand in silence, looking towards each others faces.

I cant see much, but i know what she looks like. The way her eyes are shaped, the way her hair curls when it gets damp. The feeling of her freckled face against mine. My body is just used to being around her.

She steps forward, taking my hand in hers. Our fingers intertwine, her quiet breathing filling the gaps of our silence.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I smile.

I cant see her nod or shake her head.

I step forward and drape my arms around her
neck, pulling her down towards my face. A buzz flies down my body as our lips connect.

She pulls away almost immediately. Although i cant see much, i feel her eyes burning into me.

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