Far Far Away

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She sat playing with my fingertips. I lay admiring her.

Stefani spoke lightly, "Whats it like?"

"Whats what like?"

"Whats it like to kiss someone?" She flushed.

I paused about my response, "I cant describe it, but it feels like your so far off of earth. Like you're floating miles away in another galaxy".

She flopped on her side, facing me still.

I moved my hand to brush her hair from her neck.

She moved so quickly, reaching and kissing me gingerly.

I moved, shocked almost, but leaned in and kissed her back.

I rested my hand on her neck, sitting up with her.

She pulled away, smiling all goofy. She laughed it off.

That was my first kiss with my best friend.

She coughed lightly, "What do you think your doing?"

I blinked, turning to look at her. She looked me up and down, "Aren't you cold?".

I didn't realise the hairs on my arms were stood on end. Stefani took her jacket off putting it around my shoulders.

I smiled, scooting up closer to her. A hand wrapped around my waist.

She turned and mumbled into my slightly messier hair, "Do you wanna get in the car?".


The engine came to life as Stefani pressed on the accelerator. She pulled out of the gap, driving calmly down the road. The adrenaline shot through my veins, the feeling of doing something bad felt great. I gasped.

Neon lights flashed as we drove through a desolate town. Stefani seemed to know her way round as she pulled down a small side street.

"You're not going to kill me are you?" I joked.

"Hey if i was planning it i would've done it before now", She laughed.

The pit in my stomach reappeared, something was going to happen and i didn't know whether i was ready for it. My breathing deepened, my legs ached, my stomach was flipping out.

"Hey, earth to Gracie",

I blinked, "Hm?"

A hand rested on my lap, "You want some food?"

I looked down to the hand, then up her arm to meet her face. She looked at me, "We can go back, no pressure".

I nodded my head, "Just thirsty".

Stefani sits in silence, staring out the front of the car. I follow where her eyes are.

Her hand slides away from mine, i reach for it and turn to look at her, "Talk to me".

She turns, "I have so much i want to say".

So say it.

I lean across, closing the gap between us. She leans in and kisses me deeply. She pulls away and takes her seatbelt off. I watch as she slides into the back of the car. I climb after her, sitting on her lap.

She mumbles incoherently, her hands on my legs. I reach for her neck, craning my own to meet her lips.

My stomach piles up as i reach for the door handle, landing clumsily on my feet. I move away from the car and hurl onto the cold concrete.

Stefani is by my side holding my messy hair, "Your not wearing any shoes, you'll catch a cold".

"I just need to sleep", i utter.

I stood to face her,

"Its too soon", She concluded.

Maybe she was right, but when would the right time be?

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