Sunset to Noir

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The car revved down the street, the audi and its vibrations pulsing through me. The wind ruffled my hair as i reached up towards the sky through the open roof.

"You guys wanna go meet a few friends?", Cheryl questioned, tapping the wheel. Stef sat forward, holding onto my arm, "Im still down for a night out".

The tingle from her touch made its way to my brain, I stuttered through my words.

"Look at me, i'm in a fucking expensive dress".

Stefani mumbled, "You look pretty in it".

My face flushed, Cheryl stepped on the gas, pounding forward. I couldn't help but giggle, the adrenaline pumping through my body. I shuffled in my seat, undoing the belt and pushing myself through to the back.

"What are you doing?", Stef mouthed.

"I know", Cheryl smiled, "Or i think i know".

Stefani's face drops, "I- I- I dont know what you mean".

I held onto her hand, the tingle subsiding.

"Hey ill ignore yous, need to make a call though so be quiet".

Stefani looked at me lost, so i pulled her hand to where we were sat before, "Its her blindspot here", I mumble into her hair.

We sit listening to Cheryl talk with someone, the car vibrating with bass still. Stefani grabs my hand and is writing violently quick.

All i can think of is her, on me, in my mind, is this right though?

"Gracie", She utters.

Shes writing again,

"Stop", I hissed, looking to Cheryl.

Stef reaches for my face, glaring into my eyes. All i can think about is pulling her into me, kissing her, holding her in my arms.

Shes looking past me now, not just into my eyes. She understands me so well, but she can be so unreadable.

I fumble with her hair, "Fuck it".

I turn my body to face her, pulling at her neck, reaching to kiss her. She pulls away.


Cheryl isn't looking, shes jamming it out to Aqua.

What is so important.

"Are we going ignore the fact you straight up just broke up with Bradley? And your sister thinks i'm a lesbian?", She utters.

I look at her, raising my eyebrow, "I dont think your a lesbian".

"Easy for you to assume, you have everything, christ you can go to the toilet and not get the slurs thrown at you", She pulls her feet up to her chest, "Have you seen the stall where its plastered with my name on it?".

Yes i have.

"Have you heard the rumours, did you hear what the popular guys were saying?", She echoed.

Where was this coming from?

I stared at her, letting my hands rest in my lap. Stefani looked away, "I want this, i do, but we're so different", she hesitated, "I like that about you, obviously Grace, but can we ease into this whole thing?".

My mind went blank.

"I mean- if this is a thing", She stutters, her nervousness clear in her tone. Her eyebrows raised and her pupils small.

I turn my body away from her, staring out of the window. The sun is setting.

A warm hand is on mine. Stefani budges up next to me, resting her head against my shoulder. The dress feels tight around my chest, the bra i'm wearing feels so tight.

I interlock our fingers, trailing her fingertip and resting my head atop of hers.

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