Chapter#1 First day at Malibu Preschool

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(Setting takes place in Malibu. Where the time was early morning time. And the month was August and that means that it is time for all the little kid/preteen/teenage dolls in Malibu to go back to school. As summer vacation had finally come to an end. And now it was time for all the little kid/preteen/teenage dolls to head back inside the classrooms  and into school.)

(Inside the Robert's family home.)

(Inside there family kitchen.)

George Robert: (Was packing a lunch for his first born daughter's first day of preschool.)

Margaret Robert: (Walks into the kitchen while holding newborn baby Skipper inside her arms.)

George Robert: (Finishes packing Barbie's lunch. And sees his wife walking into the kitchen. And smiles right at her while chuckling a very gentle chuckle.)

George Robert: "Morning hon. (Notices his 2nd daughter Skipper inside his wife's arms.) "I see someone is also up for the morning I see.

Skipper: (Smiles as she does a bunch of baby babbles while doing some spit bubbles.)

Margaret Robert: (Started to gently bounce Skipper inside her arms.) "Yeah I was about to go towards Barbie's room to go and wake her up for her first day of preschool. "When low and behold this little one started crying right inside her nursery.

Margaret Robert: (Then lifts up Skipper. And started to talk in baby talk to her.) "Aw I guess someone wanted to wake up this morning hu? "And get out of her baby crib.

Skipper: (Giggles as she waves her tiny baby arms into the air. Then all of a sudden her tummy began to growl. And she started to suck onto her plastic hand.)

George Robert: "I think someone is getting hungry. (Gently takes Skipper from his wife.) "I'll go and tend to her. "While you go and wake up Barbie my dear Margaret. "I'm sure that she wouldn't want to miss her very first day of preschool.

Margaret Robert: (Giggles at the though.) "Oh knowing our daughter she wouldn't want to even miss a minute of it. "I bet you she is probably up by now getting ready for her first day of preschool.

George Robert: (Places Skipper into her high chair.) "Well who can blame Barbie. "That was all she kept talking about at the dinner table last night was her first day of preschool. "And how she couldn't wait to go to sleep last night.

Margaret Robert: (Started to walk up the stairs.)

(Inside Barbie's bedroom.)

Barbie: (Was in fact already up. As she woken up early as she was to excited to sleep any more. As she couldn't wait to see all of her friends again that she made back during when she was just a baby.)

Barbie: (Saw the door to her bedroom began to open. And sees her mommy come into her bedroom.)

Margaret Robert: "Barbie it's time to. (Started to chuckle as she knew that her first born would be up and already getting dressed.)

Margaret Robert: "Me and your father had this feeling that you would already be up and getting dressed Barbie.

Barbie: "Morning mommy. "And yep I sure am. "I just couldn't sleep any more as I was just to excited for today. "It was tough to sleep during the whole night as it was.

Margaret Robert: (Begins to do Barbie's hair into two ponytails.) "I'm glad your very excited to start your very first day of preschool Barbie. "And sense this is your very special day. "Last night as you where sleeping in your room. "Your father and I made you a very special surprise for you to share with your friends at preschool today.

Barbie: (Gasps as she was curious as to what the surprise was.)

Barbie: "Oh what is the surprise mommy? "I love surprises.

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