Chapter#3 Learning the rules of Malibu Preschool/free time imagination fun time.

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(They all arrived inside the Malibu Preschool.)

Teresa's Aunt: (Looks at her students.) "Okay boys and girls before we all go and sit down on the ocean rug. "I would like for all of you to place your backpacks into your cubbies please. "Every morning when you arrive inside the preschool. "I expect you all of you kids to place your backpacks into your cubbies where they belong. "Each cubbie has your name on it so you know witch one is yours. "After you get done with all that please meet me down on the ocean rug so I can explain to you all the rules of Malibu Preschool.

(After the kids get done with all that. They all sit down onto the ocean rug.)

Teresa's Aunt: "Okay now that everyone has done what I told them to do. "Now it's time to go over the classroom/playground rules okay boys and girls. "If you have any questions about any of these rules that i'm about to go over with all of you. "Please wait until I'm done going over the rules okay.

Teresa's Aunt: "Rule#1 is to listen to the teacher which is me at all times. "Rule#2 is to be nice to each other at all times. "I do not allow any bullying/picking/teasing on anybody of any kind. "Rule#3 We work together to help keep our classroom neat and tidy. "Rule#4 When it is recess time we use the playground equipment the right way. "So that we all can play safely on the playground. "Rule#5 If someone is talking to you please remain quiet and listen with your ears as that person is talking. "As talking while someone else is talking is very rude.

Teresa's Aunt: "Rule#6 If we want to say something or even ask a question during anything. "Then we must remember to raise our hands as it is polite. "Rule#7 Please keep your hands, feet and any objects that you may have to yourself. "As we all have our own personal space and we all don't like to be touched. "So let's respect other people's boundaries please. "Rule#8 We use our indoor voices when we are inside the classroom. "We only use our outdoor voices when we are outside. "Rule#9 is the final rule that I'm going to go through. "No leaving the preschool under any circumstances unless I give you permission to do so. "Or if we ever go on a field trip.

Teresa's Aunt: "Now that I've finished going over the rules of Malibu Preschool. "Does anybody have any questions to ask me?

Ken: (Raises his hand.)

Teresa's Aunt: "Ah yes Ken do you have a question you want to ask me about the rules dear?

Ken: "Yes what would happen if we broke any of those rules? "By let's say accident teacher?

Teresa's Aunt: "Well that is an excellent question to ask me Ken. "As I was just about to talk to you boys and girls about what would happen if any of you children where to break any of these classroom rules of mine.

Teresa's Aunt: "Now if any of you boys and girls ever by accident break any of these classroom rules that I have just explained to you guys. "Then the first thing that I would do of course is give you guys a warning and tell you guys to stop what you are doing at once. "That warning will give you a chance to improve your actions before you decide to break a classroom rule of mine.

Teresa's Aunt: "Here is what I like to do for the boys sense they like sports. "You kids know how in baseball there is a system where if a batter gets three strikes in a row then he is out. "Well that is another way I like to do my warning system. "If I see you doing something that is breaking a classroom rule. "I will say strike one. "And if you run out of strikes then you will be sent over to the time out room. "And you will not earn a sticker on your behavior chart for that day. "Unless you show me that you have earned your sticker back for that day. "And how you can earn a sticker back after a time out. "Well by being nice to others. "And doing what is right from what you have done wrong.

Midge: (Raises her hand.)

Teresa's Aunt: (Smiles at Midge.) "Yes Midge dear you have a question to ask me?

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