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When they arrived at Katsuki office,Yuri and Eijirou was then got asked by Katsuki to take care of his sister."Yeay!!Lets play!"Yuri then said,"Tch...I dont need to watch you kiddo! I only need to watch your brother was soon gonna be my husband!"Eijirou and Toga then was just giggles.


"Brother!!!"Toga then shouted."Katsuki then asked,"Why did something bad happen to you?!"Toga then said"No im fine but it was Brother Ei!!"Katsuki then asked again,"What haopened?!"Toga then said,"He accidentally faint when he was playing with me!"Katsuki then went to Toga's room to check if something feally bad really bad happened to him or no."Eijirou! Wake up!!"Katsuki then shouted.'Oh no this is bad!'He then lift Eijirou and bring Toga with him."We need to go to the hospital now!!"Katsuki then said to his driver.In the van,Toga was crying and said,"I promise i didnt do anything to brother Ei!"Katsuki then smiled a little and said,"Its not your fault i know about it."Toga then stopped crying and Katsuki was then relieved.


Eijirou was brought to the emergency room while Katsuki and Toga was waiting outside the room.A few hours later,the doctor was then went out and walk towards Katsuki and Toga,"Are you Eijirou's family?"The doctor asked.Katsuki then stand up and said,"No were not."The doctor then said,"So you are his friend?"Katsuki then thinking that if he didnt said that they are Eijirou family the doctor wouldnt gonna allowed them to come in and Toga will also gonna cry."I-im his boyfriend!"The doctor smiled and said,"You may come into the room."Katsuki then just noded and smiled while Toga the one who holding Katsuki hand was then running towards the room.Katsuki didnt say anything he just run towards the room too.


Katsuki can see Eijirou face was really more prettier than a real girl."Brother...will he be okay?"Katsuki then lift Toga then put her on the soffa,"Himiko,listen here... You need to think positive everytime so you will be a very professional princess soon!"Toga then just smiled and said,"Alright brother i understand now!"Katsuki then smiled at Toga,and so do Toga.'Tiiiiittt,tiiiiiiit,tiiiiiiit'Katsuki phone was ringing when Katsuki pick it up then someone really shouted said,"Katsuki! I miss you!!Where are you right now?!"Katsuki then heared Yuri was on the phone."Im sorry."Katsuki then said sorry it was because he wanna hang up."Did you do something to me?...."'Beeep.'"H-hey!!!"In the other side Yuri was mad.

*AT 11 PM*

"Ugh..."Eijirou woke up.Katsuki then saw Eijirou was waking up he then walk towards Eijirou.When Eijirou suddenly saw Katsuki was standing infron of him,Eijirou was then trying to stand up but he really cant."S-sir..."Katsuki then help Eijirou to sit up."How are you?"Eijirou was then said he was fine."W-where is Miss Himiko?"Katsuki then just pointing to his little sister who sleeo on the sofa."So,back to what i wanna say,Have you eat?Have you ever rest?Did you have a nightmare?"Eijirou was then shocked to heared all the question that he have been asked."Everything is a no..."Katsuki then asked him a question again,"What pills are you eating?"Eijirou then shocked to hear that again and he then said,"Uhm pills?"Katsuki then get on the bed with him and said,"Do not pretend you didnt know anything!"Eijirou then had no choice but to tell him.Katsuki then rub Eijirou hair and said,"You know you cant do that..."Eijirou then said,"I know."Katsuki then tell Eijirou to look at him for a while and Eijirou was then turn his face facing to Katsuki.Katsuki then kissed him immediately.'His lips are so much soft...'Katsuki then break the kiss and said,"Lets go home."Eijirou then just agreeing to Katsuki."Are you fine if i just lift you?"Eijirou face was then red and said,"No,no its fine...I can walk,see?"Eijirou said while he was stand up.Katsuki then said,"Alright then."Katsuki then lift Toga and walk outside with Kirishima.


Yuri was suddenly come out crying,"Katsuki my legs was really hurt please help me to walk upstairs!"Katsuki then said,"Dont make me yelled at you right now...Cant you see i was holding my sister right now?"Yuri then rolled her eyes and just walk away.Eijirou then came out and walk inside.


After Katsuki put Toga to her room,he then called Eijirou to come in his room.When Eijirou arrived at Katsuki's room he then said,"S-so why do you call me here?..."Eijirou then asked."Nothing~I just want you to sleep with me tonight~"Katsuki then said."E-eh?!!W-why tho i have my room!"Eijirou was then shocked."Why? You dont need to know about that all i want is you to sleep with me tonight~"Eijirou was really confused about why is he even wanting Eijirou to sleep with him tonight?"Al-right..."Eijirou was then come closer to Katsuki."Oh and i want you to wear this..."Katsuki then land him his jacket."Y-your jacket?"Katsuki then just nodded.Eijirou was then wore Katsuki's jacket.Katsuki then pulled Eijirou closer on the bed."K-Kat..."Eijirou didnt continue the sentence because Katsuki was pulling his face to kissed him.But Eijirou didnt refused him yet he was enjoying the whole night.

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