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At 1am Katsuki then satisfied to what he have done while Eijirou was really need to get a oxygen."Haah... Oxygen.. Oxygen..."Katsuki then smirk and asked,"What you want a second round?"Eijirou was then asleep on Katsuki chest.'I have never felt this happy with anyone except when i was with Himiko.'


"Woah!! Did you cook all of this brother Ei?!"Toga then asked.Eijirou was then just smiled and said,"Yes."Toga then sitting really properly to wait his brother to come down."Princess Himiko!"Katsuki then shouted and walking downstairs.When Eijirou heared Katsuki voice he was then turning red."Ooooo...Who cook this?"Toga then wanna said but Yuri then shouted saying that she is the one who cook but Katsuki said,"Didnt you just woke up?"Yuri then said,"Oh uhh..."Katsuki then just shake his head and said,"Your attitude are so much bad and i think i already know who i wanna choose!"Yuri then shouted,"Hey!"Toga thrn throw the knife to Yuri left leg."What did i tell you?Do not yelled at my brother and what have you done?!"Toga then said,"Yet i will choose Brother Ei and not this s**t!"Yuri then pissed off because of what Toga said."Brother!I want you to tell her to get out of this house now!"Katsuki then do what her sister told him to do."Go Now!"Yuri then walk upstairs and start packing ger stuff.When Eijirou sit with them to eat Katsuki then said,"Are you ok?"Eijirou then blushed and said,"Y-yeah!"Toga then smiled and said,"Brother how about we go shopping later?!"Katsuki then smiled and said,"Of course my princess!"Toga then said,"Can you come with us too brother Ei?!"Eijirou then smiled and said,"Of course it was my job to make sure you guys are fine."Eijirou then said."Why didnt you eat?"Katsuki then asked Eijirou."Uhm...i-i already eat!Yeah i already ate."Katsuki then asked Toga to dress up."Alright brother."After Toga done eating,Katsuki then coming near Eijirou."E-eh?!"Katsuki then sit next Eijirou."W-what are you doing?"Eijirou asked Katsuki when he saw Katsuki was taking his fork."Eat!"Katsuki then told Kirishima to eat."I can eat by myself no need to feed me..."Katsuki then said,"I know you can eat by yourself but you didnt even eat!"Eijirou then just look down."Eat this!"Eijirou then eat the food that Katsuki feed him.


"I look like princess right brother Ei?"Eijirou then said,"Of course you are Miss Himiko!"Toga then realized how much Eijirou care for her even her brother."Lets go shall we?"Katsuki then said to Toga and Eijirou."Yes of course!!"Eijirou then smiled and walk behind them."We need to go to *******"Katsuki drver then bowed and said,"Noted sir!"They all then come in the car.While they were in car Eijirou then put his headset on.Katsuki then said to him,"You like to hear a music?"Eijirou then smiled and said,"Y-yeah sir,im sorry if it arent allowed..."Katsuki then said,"Why would its not be allowed?"Eijirou then smiled and start holding Katsuki hand.'Shit he was so much sweet!'Katsuki said in his heart.

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