658 15 0

Sage Marie Thompson-18

I got home and snuck back inside because my parents were home. I quickly made my way to my room and got undressed. I threw on sweatpants and kept my bra on.

I hit my my arm on the wall and ran to my bed and got on my phone. Shortly after my door opened

"kilè ou rive" (when did you get here) my mom said walking into my room

"i've been here" i said

it's 9:00 on a damn thursday she gonna beat my ass

"i came in earlier and you weren't here" she said crossing her arms

i was expecting her to say that

"did you look in the backyard" I asked raising my eyebrows


i've been using that excuse for a cool minute

"you weren't in the backyard" she said

don't crack don't crack don't crack

"yes i was" i said

"what were you doing outside" she asked squinting


"the pool" i said pointing to my bra

"mhm and you didn't shower?" she said

"i just got back in" i said

"why are you investigating me" I asked raising my eyebrow

"i'm not" she said staring to walk out

"next time make sure to let us know you're home" she said leaving

I laid back going on my phone. I heard a slight noise but ignored it. I heard it again and this time it was lower than before

what the hell man

I started humming and got my gun out from behind my head board and put it in my waistband

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my crocs.

I grabbed my keys and phone before going to my parents room. I opened the door and peeked my head in.

"emily asked if y'all could go over to her house cause she need help with something" i said

"ok" my dad said as him and my mom got out of bed

"i'm going to renity's house for a sleep over" i said before leaving

"OK" my mom said

I got on my phone and opened my messages

Emily 👯‍♀️🤍
the rents are on they way over. keep them there tonight

why 👀

just do it. i owe you one

yea you do

I exited off emily's message and opened serenity's message
                                           if anyone asks i'm sleeping over

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