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Sage Thompson 

Noah and I bolted to the van because we heard someone yelling and they sounded very close to the stairs and we were very much by the bottom of the stairs 

Once we made it to the van, Malik sped off and turned off the street 

"so?" Athena said 

"The cameras should be set up and ready" I said 

After doing some type of click clack shit on the keyboard, Athena pulled up the cameras and we were able to see and hear everything that was going on in the room

"How the hell were they able to fuck with my lights that I made YOU put a firewall on" Mckenna said yelling at a man

"I told you make sure that nothing could be hacked into and when I say nothing I mean NOTHING!HOW THE FUCK YOU LET SOMEONE HACK INTO MY SHIT? LET ALONE A HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING STUDENT NIGGA? FIX IT!" She continued to yell at the man and stormed out the room 

We lost visual in the room camera but soon saw her walk into the kitchen

"What kind of safe house isnt safe?" Mckenna said opening the fridge 

"That poor man" I said causing everyone to look at me 

"What? I dont like him but damn my nigga thought he did his job right" I said 

"Oh no he did. It took me all day to try and get through that firewall and that's the longest its ever taken me" Athena explained 

"yea, even I couldnt tap into it and I trained Athena" Bryson continued 

"Since when you dabble in technology" I said 

"We all dabble in everything, but some thing we do better in than in others" Malik said from the drivers seat 

"Yea thats why we had you do everything when you were training. cmon sage I need you to keep up now" Athena said

"Im sorry, this is all new to me" I said faking crying 

"Alright blue sit your ass down somewhere" Noah said 

"You first John" I said 

"Who the hell is John" Noah said 

"You dont who John the Baptist is?" I said raising my eyebrow 

"OH HIM?" Noah said 

"why are you so loud?" Me and Athena said at the same time 

"You guys are always so mean to me" Noah said sitting on the floor 

"Nigga I just met you today" I said 

"And you keep hurting my feelings" He said 

"ki sa?" (what) I said 

"Please I can't handle another language" Bryson said shaking his head

"what other language you be hearing?" I asked 

"I be speaking Spanish to tease them" Athena said 

"I aint know all that" I said putting my hands up 

"Alright so we think that Zaire is in this room because for the past day this has been the only room where the red dot doesnt move" Bryson said pointing on the monitor 

"What does the red dot mean?" I asked 

"Thats where the drone is picking up heat from the human body. You see how they kinda everywhere?" Athena said 

"yea" I responded 

"For every dot, thats a human" I said

"exactly. And we think that this one is Zaire" Athena said pointing to a dot 

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