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Zaire O'Conner 

I called Athena not caring that she was in school 

"you do know that im in school right? After im missed days?" She answered my third call 

"yea yea yea thats nice have you seen or heard from sage?" I asked her 

I texted her this morning and she was giving me pretty fast respnes but she stopped answering 

"no why?" Athena asked 

"I texted her this morning but shes stopped responding" I explaining 

"you ever think shes in class?" Athena asked 

"Nah she said that she had left class cause the teacher was giving her a hard time and had went to Student Services, then she stopped responding" I explained 

"ok ok I'll go look.... Excuse me, yea something was dropped off at Student Services for me. Can I go get it?" I heard Athena ask her teacher 

"Go ahead" I heard the teacher reply 

I texted Sage again to see if she had responded to my previus texts or at least if she would respond to this one and she didnt 

"Hi Mrs. Willis have you seen Sage? Last I heard she was in here" I heard Athena say

"Yea she was in here but she said she wasnt feeling too well and went home. I dont know if that girl is gonna graduate with the amount of absences she has" I heard someone reply to Athena 

"hmm ok thank you" She said 

"You heard that?" Athena said talking to me 

"yea. Thanks" I said hanging up the phone 

I grabbed my keys and made my way over to Sage's house  

When I finally made it I saw that her car was in driveway. I parked across the street and walked up to the house. 

The door was locked so I went around back and her back door was also locked 

this door aint ever locked what the hell 

I tried her living room window and it was opened 

I cant believe that I'm about to climb through this window bruh 

 I opened the window and climbed through and made my way to Sage's room. When I reached her room, she had her curtains drawn and had her blanket over her head 

"Yo" I said to make my presence known 

no response 

"you straight ma?" I asked 

no response 

I walked slowly over to her bed before I climbed the steps and sat next to her head

"go away" She finally said 

"not til you tell me whats going on" I said 

"bruh leave" She said 

"Is this about Omar?" I questioned 

"No, can you leave?" She responded as she threw the cover off her head 

she know she was hot under there 

"Fuck is wrong with you Sage?" I said looking down at her 

"Nothing" She said turning over 

"Ight then imma just sit here til you tell me whats wrong with you" I said taking off my shoes 

"nooooo please leave. I said please bruh" She said 

"You gonna tell me whats wrong with you?" I asked 

"nothing wrong" She said clearly frustrated while pulling the blanket over her head again

"so why you leave school after you was complaining about missing too many days?" I questioned 


"ight then I aint going no fucking where" I said

I heard her mumble something followed with a sniffle

"what happen?" I said 

"I saw him" She said while sitting against her her headboard 

"Saw who?" I said raising my eyebrow 

"my rapist" She said 

"where you seen him?" I questioned 

"I was student services and he walked in asking for directions to a class. I guess he was subbing for the teacher I had next period so I just left" She responded 

"Have you told anyone?" I asked 

"It happened years ago, it doesn't matter anymore" She shrugged while playing with her fingers 

"It doesn't matter how long ago it happened, it still matters." I responded 

"Does anyone know?" I asked her to see if there was anyone that I could call that she would like to talk to 


"Are comfortable talking about it?" I asked trying to make it better

if I can even make this somewhat better 

"I was seven when it happened. My mom was in the patio doing my sisters hair when he stopped by." She started 

"He had sexually assaulted me many times before but I was too young to understand what was going on you know?" She continued 

I didnt say anything. I wanted her to feel heard before I said anything. I didnt want to interrupt her

"I was in my room while I was watching TV and he came in and closed my door. He asked me how I was doing and I gave him the normal answer" She paused 

I continued to sit there and listen because for some reason I had the feeling that no one ever sat down and actually listened to her when she tried to speak up

"He asked if I knew how to keep a secret and I said yes and then he asked if I wanted to play a game and again I said yes. You can guess what happened after that" She finished 

"I really sorry that happened to you Sage" I said 

"It aint your fault" She shrugged 

"Is it ok if I stay with for a little bit?" I asked 

"yea" her voice cracked 

I pulled her close to me and let her cry. I had no idea that she went through this.

She is 10 times stronger in my eyes for dealing with this by herself.

She just does not have a nice experience when it comes to men 

"Thank you" She said while still crying 

"You dont gotta thank me ma" I said kissing the top of her head 


just wanted to share my story with yall in case any of yall could relate 

Sexual Assault month passed not too long ago and I wanted to let any of reader who are survivors that you arent alone and it wasnt your fault 

Ignore any mistakes made in this chapter 

See you next chapter :)

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