Attempt At A New Life

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           Before the crowd starts to disperse, Frankie begins heading back to her and Nick's home. Hopefully by the time she finishes the walk back, the effects of the drugs will have worn off in time. The high was just as she expected it to be, dreadfully.......gratifying.

           She hated how much she enjoyed it, she remembers how much she freaked out at Nick when he used back at the military camp. She was so angry with him. He betrayed her trust when they both had agreed to quit. Ever since however, he hasn't used since. He just had one slip up. Now she's a hypocrite. She's done exactly what she got angry at him for back then.

           She tries her best to walk upright and seem coordinated with her steps, but it takes all of her willpower to do so. She gets inside the house and collapses onto their bed. It's only a few minutes before she falls asleep. Nick enters the house shortly after.

          He slowly walks over and sits down next to her. He gently places his hand on her arm. She jolts awake immediately, and lifts her head up to see who it is. She relaxes seeing it's Nick, but her heart still races fast, unsure if her pupils are noticeably dilated. She prays he can't tell. Instead of calling her out like she expected, he gives a small smile.

        "You didn't leave? Why?" He asks. She doesn't respond at first, trying to collect her thoughts. He continues speaking, thinking she won't answer. "I thought you left me." His voice is soft, barely being able to be heard. She sits upright, taken aback by his statement.

       "No, no, I didn't leave you. I wouldn't leave you Nick. I'm not leaving you." She reassures him, putting her hand on his shoulder. His breathing picks up, and without warning he wraps his arms around her. Her eyes widen, and she freezes up for a moment.

       "When you went off, I thought it meant I failed helping you." He manages to say. All the guilt comes rushing back to her, even more heavily than the last time. The emotions are all too much and she breaks. Her body weeps uncontrollably, then he does too.

        They sob together for hours. Not saying anything, but just crying. All throughout this, Frankie wants to tell him how she used, but she can't. Her mouth opens, but can never find the words to admit it. So, instead she talks about what led her to use, but keeps out the actual detail of her getting high. They're both laying down on the bed staring at the ceiling, letting the moment sink in.

       "I told you how I needed to get past my father. And on the walk from the house I realized that I can't. I desperately wanted him to not be part of who I was, who I am." Nick turns his head at her, listening intently. "He will be though. No matter what I do, or what I did, he's a part of me. He helped make me who I am, and I can't get rid of it. I can't get out of it." By the end of the sentence she's breaking down again. She places a hand over her mouth to quiet her cries.

         Whenever Frankie told him things like this he never knew what to say. So he says the only thing he can think of.

         "It's okay Frankie. It's gonna be okay." He whispers. "It's all gonna be okay." They both fall asleep.


        The next morning they both head down to the eating area. Neither says anything the whole time, because neither doesn't have anything to say. Good thing it wasn't an uncomfortable silence however. They sit at a picnic table each with their own tray of food.

       Frankie gazes down at the cheap non-perishable options below her. She frowns and rests her head on his shoulder. She's already feeling nauseous from the angel dust yesterday. Plus the world has a slight unusual dizziness to it. Nick puts an arm around her, noticing how pale and uneasy she looks. Madison walks up to their table.

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