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My perfect Tuesday morning was interrupted by my annoying alarm. With a loud groan, I hit my alarm and it fell on the floor.


I heard a cracking sound and looked where my alarm fell. Well it's not really an alarm anymore, it's just a pile of plastic and some details and gadgets things. Wonderful, buying another one is totally something id love to do.

Huffing, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen where I turned on the coffee maker and made my way to the bathroom. I stopped off my fluffy white pajamas and took a short shower. I washed my hair with shampoo before applying conditioner, you know, how it's supposed to be done. I also washed and shaved. I quickly got out and wrapped a towel around my body and one in my black hair.

I went to my room and opened my closet to chose my clothes for the day. I swear there are so many clothes in my closet and some of them even fall out when I open the doors, yet I can never found anything to wear.

Finally, I decided to wear black skinny jeans and a white long sleeved blouse and black high heels. I threw the article of clothing on my bed knowing i should dress after I eat because they might, no will, get dirty. I always manage to get something on my clothes when I'm eating and there is something very important coming up that day.

In this case, I have a job interview today in a company called Bieber Corporation. I have never seen the boss before, but I know that his name is Justin Bieber. I hope that it will go well and that I will get this job because i really need it. I'm almost out of the money my parents gave me.

Before I went into the kitchen to eat, I exchanged my boy towel for a robe before making my way to the kitchen. I went back to the kitchen and finished making my coffee, I took some strawberries out of the refrigerator, cut them into little pieces and put them into a bowl. I finished eating and put my bowl and mug in the sink before going straight into my room to get dressed and do the shits to my hair. I blow dried my hair and straightened it, placing it into a high ponytail l. I applied some eyeliner, mascara, and nude lipgloss.

I threw on my black coat since its been kind of cold outside for the past few days. It's really odd because it's April. I locked my apartment and went downstairs to the lobby and outside in the cold city of New York.

Since the company building isn't too far away, I decided to walk.


After a quick hour walk, I was in front of Bieber Corporation.

The building was really big and beautiful. The windows were really shiny and you could see some workers talking to each other near the Windows and some of the desks that sat close to it, you could also see piles of documents on them. I walked inside of the building and the lobby was full of busy people talking on their phone and elevators going up and down, seeming never to stop. I stepped into one of the elevators and quickly noticed it was almost completely full of other people. The woman closet to the elevator control panel pressed the top floor which is level Twenty- Seven.

Luckily for me, that was the same floor I was going to. The lady smiled at me and I slightly smiled back. She had long blonde hair that was in a side braid. She had a black pencil skirt and a bright red blouse and you could see her black bra through it.

Seriously, did this girl dress to come to work or something else? Before we reached the top floor the elevator made several stops where people got out and some got in. Finally, we were on the top floor and as the door opened, I walked out and I could feel my palms sweating. The lady with long blonde hair day behind a round table. Oh, I get it, she works as a registrant. I need to ask about the interview.

"Excuse me I'm here for an interview, where--"

"Mr. Bieber will not take place in the interview, instead, you will be interviewed by Chaz. If he thinks you're good enough then you can work here." She smiled and I nodded. She gets up from behind the counter and I follow her, my heart race slightly accelerating for this interview.


After the interview I was relieved that I had high chances of getting the spot.

"Okay, thank you. Now just one more thing, you will need to meet Mr. Bieber now!" Chaz, the interviewer, said while looking a bit worried. Why would he be worried? Is The Boss really that scary?

"Okay." I said and nodded in agreement.

While walking to his office I felt really nervous. What if he doesn't like me?

"Mr. Bieber's character is a bit difficult but I'm sure you'll do a great job." He mentions as we both stop in front of a big black double door. He knocked and opened the door.

"Mr. Bieber, the new secretary is here." Chaz announced pretty loudly.

Mr. Bieber was standing in from of a big window from where you could see the city and his back was turned to us, much like in the movies. The outside light peeping through the window shines on his light brown hair and he his nice tailored suit gleamed. He nonchalantly turned around and if he looks could kill, I would've died more than fourty- eight times. He had the most amazing caramel eyes and his body...

"So. " he started.

"H-hello, my name is Makaylie Jade. I will be your new secretary."

"I see.."

"I'm looking forward to be working with you."

"Hmm." He stood now in front of his desk and said, "okay. We can try this but if you make one mistake, I will make sure you won't find a job in this country again."

Wow. Does he really have that much power? Probably.

"Understood." I nod, letting him know I full agree to the terms.

"Great, you'll start tomorrow morning at 8am. Do not be late." He said before continued, "oh and there is a big meeting tomorrow morning so don't let anyone disturb me while I'm in the meeting."


"You may go now." He dismisses me, and turns his back to the city view.

I walked outside of his office and went straight to the elevator. No wonder he was looking for a new secretary, I'm sure that the previous one probably ran away from that asshole.

When I arrived at home, I just fell on my bed and went to sleep for the night.


Yep. It's bad. It just started. Can you blame me? Nah not really. but it'll be better, I promise 😉❤️

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Edit Sam - I'm so funny ^^ yes we can blame you . 04.06.22

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