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Mr. Bieber came back with the popcorn and a movie minutes later. After multiple attempts by Mr. Bieber to conceal the identity of the movie, I seen a glance at the title, 'Insidious,' a scary movie.

I have heard about this movie, and it's supposed to be really scary. I don't watch a lot of scary movies for one reason, I get scared easily. I hope I don't have nightmares later.

Mr. Bieber set the bowl of popcorn on the small coffee table in front of the couch and walked towards the tv. He slightly bent over to I slide the disk into the player, his sweat pants getting tighter around his bottom. Mr. Bieber sits down on the couch next to me, jokingly moving my legs off the couch so we can sit closer to each other. He clicks the 'on' button on the remote, starting up the television. When it starts, it shows the movie on the play menu with the scary music playing in the background.

Clapping twice, Mr. Bieber turns off the lights in the hotel room, looking at me with a playful smile on his face. The atmosphere is now set and he puts his arm on the top of the couch, behind my head.

Only halfway through the movie, I found my hands covering my eyes for most of the scenes. The next scene of the movie started when a jump scare scared me half to death. I instantly screamed and hid my face in Mr. Bieber's side. I heard him chuckle and he wrap his arms around my bringing me closer to him. My head now was resting on Mr. Bieber's warm, hard chest.

"Are you that scared over some movie?" Mr. Bieber asked me,his deep voice sending vibrations down my body and making me start to heat up.

"That thing was creepy" I defend myself, clutching onto Justin's shirt.

"Shh it's okay, I got you" He said and i felt him kiss the top of my head. 

It...felt nice. 

Horror movies are designed to elicit an arousal response. The jump scares, the creepy imagery, and the things you can't quite unsee are all there for the purpose of making your heart beat faster. Films are supposed to make us feel something, and as much as we might attribute those feelings to great writing, acting, and design, particularly when it comes to horror movies, our responses are a result of filmmakers manipulating our physiological responses.

The movie is going to create heightened arousal in the viewer and being with a potential object of sexual attraction allows that arousal to be diverted and relabeled.

When we're watching a horror movie, we know that the monsters, murderers, and creepy kids aren't real, but our bodies still react. And so it's quite easy for our brains to reassign that response as an emotion tied not to the film and the fear that is inherently and obviously fake, but to the person we're with.

Mr. Bieber and I continued to watch the movie, me still in his arms. I wanted to pull away but at the same time I didn't. He was so warm and somehow I felt safe in his arms.

Somewhere after that part of the movie, I must have fell asleep because the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the middle of the dark night, in bed wrapped in Mr. Bieber's arms. When I tried to pull away, his grip tightened on my waist, pulling me closer to his body. His body heat radiates off him, and I feel myself getting warm all over.

Eventually I gave up trying to get out of his embrace. I turn my body so now Im looking at his face. He looks so peaceful when he was sleeping, so innocent. His hair in all directions and some baby hairs on his forehead, lips slightly parted. 

I wanna kiss those lips... 


Why am I thinking this, and more important, why is my inner self being like this.

Maybe my mind is giving me clues?  If I think about it, I kind of enjoyed it.

Kind of?... You loved it!

My subconscious said again. My thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Bieber squeezing me closer to him.  I really want to kiss him...

With that thought in my head, I placed my lips on the corner of his mouth. I kept them there for a few seconds until I pulled back to make sure he hasn't woke up. Relief flooded through me when I saw his eyes were still closed.

Finally I wiggled out of his hands and walked to the kitchen to get myself a hot tea. Waiting for the water to boil I searched for a mug. Suddenly there were two arms on my waist, very large hands may I add.

Mr. Bieber He spun me around so I was facing him.  

"I really liked your little kiss but I don't enjoy waking up alone." He whispered in my ear, lightly brushing his lips against my ear. I instantly blushed.

was he awake?  Probably from all my wiggling..

I tried to push him away but he only puled me closer to him. He lifted me on the counter and stood between my legs. He buried his head in the croak of my neck and planted light kissed on my skin.  "Mr.Bieber.."

"Justin, I'm Justin. " He said between the kisses. His lips traveled further up until they were on my lips. The only thing I could think about was Him.

His perfect lips.
His strong arms.
His lips were amazing.

At first the kiss was sweet and nice but later on he was getting rougher and forced his tongue inside my mouth.The weird thing was that I enjoyed him, being rough.He pulled me closer to him so I was bow sitting on the edge.I could feel, in this case, the big one showing his presence. I puled myself closer to him to feel him better, to know if I was imagining thinks.Nope, I wasn't. He moaned and pulled me to him, my legs wrapping around him when he lifted me up. My hands went to his soft hair that went to every direction since he was sleeping moments ago. 

A low groan came from his lips and he said : " Don't stop me this time."

Hey guys <3 like and comment!

- Sam

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