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"Good morning Mr. Bieber." I said as I walked through his office door bringing him coffee.

Ever since that day he haven't been the same. He, literally, is running away from me. He didn't want me to accompany him to the meeting.

He doesn't say almost anything to me, All my work and instructions are wrote down and he didn't spare me more than 2 or 3 words a day. All it was 'coffee' 'out' and 'thank you.'

At least he was nice enough to spare a thank you sometimes.

He wawed his hand at me that motioned me to go away.

Seriously this silence and treatment is gonna kill me.

Turning on my heal I walked out of his office and after shutting the door, I let out a long breath, I didn't even know I was holding. I plopped down on my fuzzy green chair and closed my eyes.

So many thoughts were spinning in my head and making me confused.

I can't believe I'm doing this but I'm gonna ditch work.

Oh yeahhhhh girl you heard me.

I took my jacket and quickly shut down my computer. It's 3 o'clock. 3 hours before my actual job ends.

Oh well.

As I stepped out of my office, I saw Justin outside of his office, yelling at some workers.

His eyes met mine but I quickly looked away and walked back in my office, I quickly thew off my jacket and ran to my computer. As I pushed the power button my office door opened and a angry Justin stood in the doorway. My breathing picked up as I felt his angry yet kind of soft gaze on me.

I didn't dare to look in his eyes.

I was scared.

He stepped into my office and slammed the door behind him, making me jump. I heard foot steps coming closer but they didn't stop at my table. He walked past my table and stood behind my back. A shiver ran down my spine, as I felt the anger that was radiating from him. ''I- ..''

I didn't get to finish my sentence as Justin's voice boomed through the office

''Where were you going.''

I didn't answer, nor did i want to. I just kept staring at my fingernails that seemed to be more interesting now.


He now shouted making me jump and look up to him. The anger that was in his eyes were making his eyes seem almost pitch black. Okay, I have had enough of this.

"'And why do you even care? Listen Mr. Bieber and you listen good. I haven't heard more than 3 words from you in these couple of days, and all this 'you're mine' shit makes me go insane. I can never belong to a selfish, self-centered, ego maniac boss. And In case you got confused in these last couple of days let me explain something to you. We are just co-workers, youre my boss. WE'RE NOTHING LESS, NOTHING MORE. We don't date, hell we barley were friends. So you can't yell at me, when it's your fault.'' I stood up and yelled all that at him, the tears trying to escape my eyes.

He stepped closer to me and tried to grab me. My hand had a mind on it's own as I heard a loud SLAP and my hand started to sting

I... I just........ I just slapped Justin Bieber.

Realizing what I just did, I quickly ran out of the office and ran down the corridor. I didn't take the lift, I just ran down the stairs on the cold streets of London...I ran out of the building and down the street. I could only imagine how awful I look right now. After a while I was in front of my apartment door.

Oh fucking great...I left my jacket in the office, where, of course, my apartment keys were. Just thinking about returning there made my blood boil. And I wasn't gonna sit here either..His apartment was right next to mine.

Sighing I turned on my heal only to bump into a hard chest. The smell hit my nose and I didn't even need to look up, to know who it is. I avoided his face as I tried to step around him.He didn't let me, Of course. I tried to step around him again but he only blocked my path. AGAIN.

" Could you fucking move out of my way" I hissed.


"Fucking forget my name, resign papers will be on your desk by tomorrow." I said cutting him off.

He gently grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to his apartment door. He unlocked it and dragged me inside, locking the door.He never let go of my arm as he dragged me to the red couch. Before I could say anything he let go of my arm only for two arms wrap around me in a hug.

To say I was surprised would be understandable. He picked me up and sat me on the back of the red couch, him standing between my legs, his face buried in the croak of my neck.

"I'm so sorry, so sorry." He mumbled against my neck, his lips pecking my neck in the process. My hands raised and wrapped around his neck, hugging him back. He picked his head up and looked in my eyes, his eyes were so sad, I had never seen Justin like this. It honestly was breaking my heart and the anger from earlier had faded away.

I just couldn't stay angry at him. It almost was painful to be angry at him.

''It's okay, Justin but please be honest with me...'' I said tangling my hands in his brown soft hair.

''Why were you acting like that, all the time, since we returned from the trip.?''

He sighed but complied on answering my question ''I just couldn't stand, that you weren't mine, I couldn't stand the fact that I couldn't hold you in my arms..'' He confessed, his body relaxing a bit more, not so stiff anymore.

There was a long silence and there was this one question, that turned my world upside down:

"Makaylie, please be my girlfriend.''

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