13. Again the wall

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-Are you missing a shoe, Cinderella?

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-Are you missing a shoe, Cinderella?

Probably she was missing a lot more than that.

When she arrived there, she forgot about this unfortunate detail and headed, haggard, to the scene of the crime.

Chaos was not enough to define what she saw there.

The police were already there and were questioning witnesses here and there outside the bar. From the faces of his colleagues, [Y/N] could guess who they were mentioning and the suspicions of a collective bad trip it aroused among the police.

What the hell was this thing able of?

Without being noticed, and it was difficult when you saw her outfit, she slipped inside the bar where a desolate silence reigned. Everywhere the witnesses of the spectacle were recovering from their emotions. She saw a tearful waitress covered in chili chatting with a biker, while another helped his friend get rid of the toilet paper that covered him completely.

I'm too late. she thought. And her anger rumbled inside her like a storm. If she hadn't wasted so much time, if she hadn't just wanted to neutralize the drone... Maybe she would have arrived in time.

A deep voice pulled her out of her thoughts and turned to the one who had called her.

Did Cinderella wear a leather dress and jacket? Dumbass. she thought, considering the boor who had just asked her the question. She had lost what little patience she still had.

-You better shut up or tell me what happened here.

- Not sure you believe me, doll...

Doll ? The last one who had called her that had ended up in the emergency room with his jaw dislocated. However, she settled on the stool next to this man, giving him a falsely sympathetic smile.

-Honestly ? Did you take a good look at me? I'm ready to believe anything...

No doubt he looked at her properly, and several times. She could almost see his eyes going back and forth between his missing shoe, her legs half hidden by his dress, the v-neck of it and the rest of her body, including her makeup already somewhat ravaged. She ignored it, he could look at her all he wanted as long as he told her what she wanted to know. The muscle giant dressed in jeans and leather rubbed the back of his neck. Probably was good for a neck brace for a few weeks...

- Are you a cop or what?

She giggled, did she really look like a cop?

- Relax, the cops are out. She began, a bigger lie than the guy in front of her. I came here because my car was out of gas, and when I saw...this...[Y/N] took the opportunity to comb through the room. No one had been able to react. This animal was endowed with exceptional speed, impossible to follow for ordinary mortals. Was this the source of his power? What had caused the discharge and destruction of the satellite?

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