Just a bite jealous ?

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"Lieutenant, if we could avoid talking about this again, I'd be happy!" "

The lieutenant couldn't contain her/ his smile. Ever since that famous night when he/she and Agent Stone brought the doctor and commissioner back to GreenHills after their car breakdown, the latter was particularly nervous and much more before mentioning the doctor's name.

It was for this reason that she was currently pacing in her office.

"So, are you telling me that he would have found something interesting?"

- Absolutely, commissioner.

- And he didn't tell you anything else?

- You know, the doctor wouldn't deign to speak to me, it was Agent Stone who called me to warn me and ...

- You? Damn you exchanged your numbers? "

The lieutenant's face then flushed, rolling her/his eyes to avoid that of the commissioner.

"And then you dare talk to me about the fact that I accidentally fell asleep on the shoulder of this ... guy!" "

Since that famous evening, she cursed herself for having put herself in such a situation. Obviously, sleepless had got the better of her, as the fact that she was forbidden to make the slightest remark about the doctor's incompetence. But why had she had to tilt her head that way and not rather towards the window?

Their awakenings on arrival were distressing, but incredibly fun for their respected assistants.

Who had taken the opportunity to exchange their numbers. Although she was hardly amused by the situation, [Y/N] had to admit that Agent Stone was an interesting source of information that she should not overlook. Especially when this one transmitted data that the Doctor was careful not to share.Grabbing her jacket in the process, Commissioner [Y/N] was not long in coming when she learned that the doctor had found traces of the creature not far from the sheriff's residence. Without a car, she had walked there, crossing a section of Greenhills forest, wondering if the creature had found refuge in the city.When she finally knocked on the truck door, no one answered.She insisted on several occasions when finally a man dressed in black and whose mustache could be easily recognized appeared in front of the door.

" You again !? But...

- So like that, you are hiding me, doctor? "Without even waiting for any invitation from him, she walked inside the lab while Robotnik gave her an angry look.

"I knew instantly it was you when I heard someone knocking on the door!"

- Ah really ? Is that why you delayed opening?

- Stone always knocks twice then waits, he knows he has to be patient. You, you are just insufferable and messy, even in the way you knock on a door! "

She ignored the doctor's remarks. Her gaze was already wandering around the cabin and stopping on the energy data transmitted by the drones.

" This is none of your business ! He hissed.

"You spotted the creature, haven't you? Finally, the thing that .."

.- If so, I repeat. It does not concern you or your incompetence ... "

Yet she stood there staring at the map closely and that annoyed her greatly. Since the night he woke up in the car next to her, this woman annoyed him all the more. Her presence, her way of addressing him in such a way ... If ...

Evil Grows with love (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now