Chapter 10 : Who wins ?

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"Well, between us, Commissioner, I would like to ask you a question. "

Sitting in the passenger seat, [Y/N] eyed her lieutenant. She/he hadn't taken his/her eyes off the road as she/he asked her this question, but the commissioner knew it had never been auspicious when he/she spoke to her like that.

"I'm not sure I want to hear your question, Lieutenant.

- I put it down anyway. What did you do to Doctor Robotnik?

- Oh god, here we are! "

She cursed, scowling at herself like a sulky child. Robotnik was one of the topics not to be discussed. Not anyway, since he ignored her and snubbed her on purpose. She had tried to be nice to him. She had even tried to help him and this is how she was thanked? Not even a response to a wave, and when she tried to chat with him he would run like a mouse in his hole.

" Me ?" She said falsely outraged. "Ask yourself earlier why this rude character still has his job after his fiasco last time!" "

She had it bad, no doubt. Not just because he was behaving like a boor, but also because, for the first time in a very long time, she had offered someone a little kindness.

She had felt something strange when she saw Doctor Robotnik distraught, sad. And seeing him like that had totally thrown her off, to the point of telling her what she had told him.

Big mistake, she would never be fooled again, ever.

"What I mean, Commissioner, is that he has seemed particularly rude to us for the past few days ...- You mean he's business as usual? "

The lieutenant rolled his/her eyes, obviously [Y/N] was ready to do anything to deflect the problem.

"Oh lieutenant, don't roll your eyes like that! I haven't said or done anything to your new boyfriend's boss!

- My new boyfriend ? " [Y/N] could make out the red that had taken hold of her colleague's cheeks and couldn't help but put on a carnivorous smile.

"Ah, you see, like I'm the only one living in denial! Agent Stone appreciates you very much, and I know who you spend your evenings strumming on your phone with.

- I don't know what you're talking about at all ... But that's not the point! She/he got carried away slowly. "We were talking about the Doctor and your terrible way of dealing with people.

- I didn't say anything or do anything to Doctor Robotnik! Besides, I really thought I left on good terms with him the last time we saw each other.

- Left on good terms... It seems to me to have heard you say that one day, commissioner.

- Ah yes ?

-Yes, six months ago, with your colleague Jean Dulieu, do you remember?

- Not really, and?

- The reality is that you had upset him so much that he decided to be transferred to London.

-Oh ! No, no, it's not the same at all, I comforted him

.- You have what ? "She literally bit her tongue after throwing those last words. Almost immediately regretting having mentioned this moment of weakness to her colleague. Like a young girl caught in the act, she looked away and glanced outside, where the landscape passed over and over again.

Hoping that those words fly through the lieutenant's memory as quickly as that.

" Forget that.

Evil Grows with love (ENGLISH VERSION)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz