Chapter 4

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"Stone, are you kidding me?" "

Robotnik looked scornfully at the sheet of paper. It had been a few hours since he had sent his drones in search of possible clues in the forest, but currently, it was white cabbage and it had the gift of annoying him.

He hated when things didn't go the way he wanted, and what he wanted there now was to show, once again, how essential he was.

How brilliant he was.

And especially how much better he was.

And to top it off, when he was already in a bad mood, Stone was coming back from his mission with this damn drawing, and at that time Robotnik really wanted to press him against the wall and yell at him how stupid he was .

Was there nothing more interesting to take from this little Interpol bitch?

Since their last discussion, his image often came back to his mind, far too often even to his liking. He had come to think of her strange eyes that she had, that look that had marked him from the start ... It was probably a genetic problem, a problem he had wanted to elucidate. He had done a lot of research to understand Y/N's gaze. [choose your particularity on your eyes] was a rare phenomenon, but possible in humans and he understood that he was facing one of the few existing specimens.

Finding himself thinking about her annoyed him more than he should, he felt both curious and intrigued by this woman who had arrived from Europe, and when Stone pointed out to him his tendency to obsession, he turned automatically, justifying he kept talking about her because she was the one who stood up to him and he hated it.

And it was true, absolutely true.

Once again, he set his eyes on the sheet of paper, before him stood a strange disproportionate and hideous blue creature, to the point where the Doctor sincerely wondered if Stone had been picked up at the local school. Unless his privileged agent gives him a bad joke?

"It's the only thing i found and it was in her jacket pocket.

- And?

- Well ... I think it has value, I think it has something to do with why we are here. "

Robotnik looked suspiciously at his assistant, basically, Stone had only obeyed his orders and who knows, why had this girl kept this drawing all this time without good reasons? He will clear this up later.

Throwing the sheet of paper at Stone, he swirled his office chair.

"Bring me a Latte ..." he breathed, staring at the control screen. "We will talk about all this again when my drones bring me informations. "

The officer nodded and quickly disappeared to join the second part of the truck, the one assigned to him. How long had he been working for Robotnik? Years. He boasted, moreover, that he had been the only one "to hold on". But basically, even if everyone in the government admired his patience, Robotnik was not such complicated.

He thought about how far he had come as he poured milk and coffee into the mug. At the start he obviously had a hard time getting used to his personality. But today he knew that even if the Doctor could be obnoxious and obnoxious, he was the one he trusted the most.

And Stone was the only one who really knew him.

Immersed in his thoughts as he brought the coffee to the Doctor, he did not immediately notice that someone had landed behind his back and that a cold metal caressed his neck.

"It is not good to steal people ..." whispered a female voice behind him. Stone gently spread his arms to show that he was unarmed. Y/N stood in front of him, her eyes burning with anger, obviously waiting for him to be returned what had been taken from her.

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