Chapter 9 : And now, he was scared

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"(Y/N) on the phone? "

The voice that echoed over the phone gave her an annoying sigh. Alone on the heights of Greenhills, she gazed at the scenery after stretching her legs. Walking stimulated her mind, it allowed her to see more clearly and she needed it.

Much had haunted her thoughts since her last meeting with the doctor. She had hoped, when they first met, never to meet him again and yet fate seemed to continually put him in her path.

Why ?

He was execrable, unbearable, but she had to recognize his great intelligence - and that was quite rare in her area of ​​expertise -

Yet something had really changed.

She still didn't know what it was, but the Doctor's attitude had seemed more and more aggressive towards her. Kind of like he constantly seeks to be with her the better to reject her and then destroy her.

She huffed in annoyance then, as if his attitude might have some impact on her. Yet as she climbed the last few meters to the top of the hill, her thoughts were on this man.

Fortunately, her phone had woken her out of her torpor before she got sentimental.

"I thought I would never reach you.- I had a little mishap, sir ...- Where is your investigation? "She hesitated."We believe we have discovered the origin of the failure.- We? Are you talking about the lieutenant? "(Y/N) swallowed hard."And about the Doctor Robotnik"Oh..." her boss whispered on the other end of the phone. "I am delighted to hear that your collaboration is going well.- I was able to cope with difficult things. But I must admit that his help is invaluable.- Very surprising of you, but tell me more about what you have learned. "So she began by explaining the footprints, the lair, and how she had tracked the animal and the town sheriff. She noticed after the fact that she had placed Robotnik in just about every sentence. Had the doctor been so present with her in the last few months?"We plan to return there tomorrow to verify our theories.- You should beware (Y/N)... "Her superior's voice echoed like a sinister knell in the telephone receiver."I don't understand sir? What should I be wary of?- Honestly, I am delighted that you have been able to smooth things over with our American counterparts and that the collaboration is going as well as possible, but stay on your guard. These people are coming out of nowhere, they are ghosts, and whoever you work with is a poltergeist. " (Y/N) smirked, hitting wits? No kidding... she thought. It was a lot worse than that. "I am professional sir, I work with the guinea pigs of the American government and when this mission is finished I will come back to Europe ...- I am delighted to hear it, commissioner, he said, almost appeased. "So I expect your report in two days.- Heard "She hung up, the cool air bleeding through the tree leaves rustling in her ear and caressing her cheek. Alone on this hill, she couldn't understand why she suddenly felt so sad after this conversation. But her phone rang again, allowing her to poke her head out of the darkness she seemed to have plunged into. The name that appeared was ominous."Yes? "A brief silence, her lips twitched at what she had just heard from her lieutenant."How did it disappear? A 20-meter-long truck doesn't just disappear! "A silence." I'm coming ! You don't move! "And while she had taken plenty of time to admire the scenery as she climbed the hill, it was at a run that she rejoined her lieutenant, with a very bad feeling. ---- "What do you mean he's gone !? "The lieutenant had trouble keeping her/his superior's gaze, it wasn't the anger that frightened her/him so much, but what he/she had read there.Terror.The tension was palpable on the baseball field where, an hour before, Robotnik was still parked with his truck. But if you looked at it twice, you could see on the faces of some of the soldiers still present that his departure had revealed a touch of relief.Because the said truck had indeed disappeared."Are you not going to tell me that nobody saw or heard a lab truck start and go?" "The lieutenant shrugged her/his shoulders."I'm telling you what I heard. Stone called me worried. The doctor sent him for a coffee and ...- One minute. She interrupted him. "Are you telling me that the doctor sent Stone to get some coffee in town?" "The tone of her voice betrayed his surprise."But the doctor NEVER wants anything from the city !!" He... "She suddenly stopped. What was she really saying?"Anyway, how did Stone get fooled?"- He's a good second ... "(Y/N) gave her lieutenant a shy smile. She was a good second too, no doubt. The proof is that she still hadn't run away, despite her mood swings. "Stone said he's been particularly nervous since you came back and that although he was the unstable type ...- Ha that, for sure! Y/N hissed."He hadn't seen him like that often. When he came back from shopping, the truck was gone- That bastard mad scientist is trying to steal my investigation! That's why he distracted Stone's attention! He wanted to sort it out on his own and take credit for it! "She was fuming. How could she have been so blind and believed for a moment that this idiot was collaborating with her?"Where's Stone?"- He went in search of him and ...- Let's go ! "The lieutenant stared at her."But we don't have ...- YOU OVER THERE ! "Exclaimed the commissioner, pointing to a soldier! "You lend me this car!" "The American had no time to fight back as she had already waved her police badge for him to give her his keys. The lieutenant gave the soldier a sorry look before boarding the passenger side. He/She barely had time to slam the door when the car started off with a bang."Call your friend Stone!" The commissioner hissed, her eyes riveted on the road.The lieutenant did so several times, but her/his appeal went unanswered. It only took a few moments for the police to return to Wachomsky's place, cause, for Y/N, there was no doubt that this was where she would find the answers to all her questions. But when they arrived at the scene, they froze, speechless.Tire tracks were looming on the sandy ground of the driveway and the door to the apartment was ajar.The commissioner put a hand on her gun and gently pulled it out of its holster, quickly imitated by the lieutenant. They quietly walked towards the front door.Something was worrying her without her understanding the cause.Proceeding to secure the premises, Y/N leaned her back against the wall, trying to get a glimpse of the interior of the house, stopping breathing to hear any noise. They exchanged a look before entering the house.Carnage.The walls were riddled with bullet, the chairs on the floor, the kitchen messy."Oh damn ..." the lieutenant breathed, in shock. Y/N did not really know what to say.What had happened here?And especiallyWhere was the doctor?They were suddenly startled when the lieutenant's phone rang, Y/N giving Him/her a look insisting that he/she answer it quickly."Stone, is that you?" The commissioner read the relief on (Lieutenant's name) face. "Damn, I worried I..."Was she really witnessing an emotional reconciliation between her assistant and doctor's? But her colleague's expression seemed to change abruptly." What do you mean ? Where are you ? There was a short quiet. "We're at Wachomsky's and... Okay, okay, give me the GPS coordinates, we'll come. " He/She hung up and felt like Y/N was hanging from His/her lips."The doctor had a slight problem with the sheriff- Where is he ? "Her voice betrayed her anxiety, she surprised herself."Agent Stone sends me the coordinates and ..."She had no time to finish as the tornado that served as her leader had already stormed out of the house."Okay okay, got it, here we go. "----Desolation,It was all desolation.This prototype, this absolutely fabulous robot, that he had built.Had been reduced to ashes.By this thing.There was anger, but also a deep sadness in him. A void had grown when he noticed the damage and saw a multitude of spare parts strewn here and there on the highway. How had they dared? Beyond that, Robotnik observed with horror his failure.He couldn't fail.He was not to fail.His life had always been a failure, for as long as he could remember he had only been able to shine through his infallible machines.And yet today, even they hadn't known how to do anything.This frustration, this sadness, had ended up causing him to lose control completely when, even Stone, admitted that this stupid sheriff had been better than him.No one is better than him.No one has his intelligence.He wasn't ready to return to the baseball field yet, not ready to justify his failure to Walter. He just needed the solitude and a little music.This music that prevented him from hearing the sound of the door to his traveling laboratory opening.As he spun in his chair, he stopped dead in front of the figure.It was her The one he absolutely didn't want to see now.He grimaced, freezing for a moment staring at her fiercely. Unable to read her, unable to know if she was there to taunt him or anything else.This was initially what Y/N had intended to do. Swing in her face that he had miserably failed to beat her.But as she walked in, saw his eyes and his expression, she couldn't."Go away, I have nothing to tell you! He hissed, turning his back to her. But still, he still felt the shadow hovering over him."You are such an idiot, Commissioner, I said you ...- You did the best you could, Doctor... "These words had come out of his mouth almost instinctively. As if the only thing that had guided him to say that.Was her heart.Robotnik froze, his breath hitched abruptly and he refused to turn to look at her, lest his gaze betray his emotions." Something else ? He cursed.Y/N hesitated."Sorry for your droid ..."She didn't wait for a response, almost running away, slamming the laboratory door behind her.Leaving the doctor in an oppressive silence. ----- "Doctor? "Stone had opened the laboratory door a crack, seeing the Doctor sitting at his desk with his back to him. He had been nervous for several days, not behaving as usual with himself or everyone else, and that worried him. He was used to Robotnik's mood swings, but he wondered if his failure to catch the blue hedgehog had ended him up.Or if he wasn't definitely mad at him.Unless there is something else?"Doctor?- Damn Stone, what don't you understand in: I don't want to be disturbed ?!" He exclaimed without even looking back."I made you a latte. "He spun around in his office chair, the gaze of a wild animal who had been brought his favorite meal to lure him into a trap. He winced behind his mustache."Come in and close the door!" "Stone smirked, he knew how to quell the Doctor's anger and without fear of any scolding he stepped forward and handed the cup to his boss. The latter took it and took a sip while closing his eyes.He might finally be able to talk to him."Are you coming for?" He snapped at her as he returned to his work."I wanted to make sure everything was okay, you haven't been in your normal state for a few days and ... I was hoping ...- Do you realize Stone? "He cut it off and Stone looked at him surprised, could it be said that one day Robotnik was normal? Probably not, but Stone had grown used to a certain routine with him."Sorry Doctor?- From what she told me !! "Stone raised his eyebrows." Who ?- Idiot ! Y/N! "He couldn't contain an amused smirk."What did she say Doctor?- That I did the best I could !!! "It was hard to know what Robotnik was feeling at the time, but Stone knew him well enough to know that it was not anger, even though he was trying to make it sound like it was, but rather a deep. distress. "And is that why you are angry? He couldn't hide his surprise." Yes ! Actually no ! I... Who does she think she is? Stone, because she's graduated from Interpol she allows herself to pass judgment on MY work? And on top of that, she does it with that typical condescending little air that.... Annoys me! "He stopped his speaking under the dubious gaze of Agent Stone. Robotnik had always needed recognition, needed to be admired for his work. But when it did, he would flee into his burrow and automatically steer. Robotnik was scared.
He wasn't afraid of Y/N, well, if indirectly he was. But Stone had known what his boss had been afraid of for a few days.He was afraid of what he was feeling inside.That those words came out of Y/N's mouth had shaken him deeply.Because she had an impact on him. He might have built multiple barriers throughout his life to protect himself from others. He was angry.Because they had been shattered.By her fault


Hey there ! How are you ?
I'm fine, so i'm back to work and it was hard for me to take another rythm ;)

Hope this chapter will please you !

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