Chapter 2

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"It's evolution Stone, it's evolution !"

A sound from flying aircraft flew over her head as she made her way to the baseball field. Throughout the trip she wondered what to expect from the American forces. Although she already had the opportunity to work on the continent, the context had been very different and the collaboration was of a different order.

Here, the case was so important to America that she had sent her special forces.

(Y/N) was daydreaming, she had already seen dozens of films and series on the subject. She imagined finding herself in front of strange guys all dressed in black with sunglasses.

Stereotypes died hard.

She eyed for a moment on the drawing that the strange guy from the bar had loaned her for an indefinite period. If she hadn't said anything at the time and just played the game, the police officer had to admit that it was totally crazy.

She was sane, at least as much as she could be, and yet the "thing" that Karl the Dingo had drawn could be out of the mind of a drug addict in total delirium. There was nothing human about this "thing" ... or animal by the way. No but ... had she ever seen a hedgehog of this color one day?

"American wildlife is very strange ..." she hissed as she continued walking. Unless, of course, this thing comes from elsewhere.

* Absurd * she thought when she saw the baseball field. No doubt America was already there, as his superior had predicted and they had put in the necessary means to explain what was going on here. She saw military vehicles and soldiers roaming the field looking for any clue.

But what challenged her, even more than the sound of drones, was the gigantic black truck and the cars that had parked behind it.

"Ah there you are!" "

Her lieutenant's voice startled her, there he/she was, facing her, coming out of nowhere as usual.

"One day you will kill me by doing this, do you know [your lieutenant name)?"

- Sorry Commissioner, I'm really sorry! He/She was confused with excuses, but [Y/N] replied with a shy smile. She knew [lieutenant's name] and although clumsy he/she was one of the best parts of Interpol and it was for this reason that she insisted on being here with her.

"Was I expected? "

[Lieutenant name] breathed, raising his/her eyes to the sky, a bad sign.

"Everything was going well with the army chief, Major Berni ... thing! Finally, and then there is this truck there that arrived and since then ... How can you explain without being rude?

- Lieutenant, we've been working together for five years, I heard you being rude a thousand times, then one more or less. "

He/she blushed then, hiding a shy smile.

"There is a guy who got out of this truck, a guy dressed in black with his whole band of friends, like in the movies!" Except that he was much less fun than in these famous films ... "

He/She paused.

"And so I was chatting with the major, he got me out without asking who I was and he said he was the boss here. "

He/She stopped.

"And you will notice that I was not vulgar!

- Indeed... "

[Y/N] was no longer looking at her lieutenant, her eyes were on the baseball field and on what she saw there, advancing with a decided step.

She first saw the major, he was standing straight like an i while two men dressed in black, admiring another series of drone take off in turn. The man that her lieutenant spoke of must have been the one screaming for evolution, raising his hands in strange gloves.

Evil Grows with love (ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now