Stepping Up, Chapter 34

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A flick of the knife sent a ball of water at the Bunnyling, knocking it off its feet before it could jump. Tibs dodged another, flicking another ball of water, but at the floor this time, so that the Bunnyling would land on ice. He threw his air knife at it. Despite the slippery floor the Bunnyling jumped out of the way, but with a flick of Tibs's finger, the knife changed trajectory and slammed onto the creature's back.

He grinned, focusing on calling the knife back―then he was on the ground, concentration broken by the pain in his shoulder. He turned and wrapped his fist in fire as he punched the Bunnyling off him. The pain was sharp, but his shoulder worked, so the armor and ice combination were effective.

Tibs got to his feet, assessing the battle.

Jackal and Khumdar were in the center, punching, kicking, and staffing the Bunnylings to death. Carina, Mez, and him were at the outside, picking targets as they became available. Or, as had just happened to him, defending against those that tried to remove them from the battle. As he watched, a creature leaped in Carina's direction. She motioned and air wrapped around it, stopping its motion and holding it there for Mez's arrow to explode it.

Tibs needed to learn how to do that.

He'd already tried a few things, now that he didn't have to worry about his essence. He'd done his flick attack, using the other essences instead of water, but none of them had resulted in anything positive. The fire attempt had left his knife burned and melted and his hand was still painful from that.

Another Bunnyling ran at him, but Tibs was ready, picking up the short sword that had appeared after he'd killed an earlier Bunnyling, instead of the usual silver coin. He used earth to strengthen himself and block the claws, then slashed with the sword in return. His slash connected solidly, and the added strength sent the creature sliding back. It exploded as it got to its feet. Tibs nodded a thanks to Mez before running forward, calling the air knife to his hand, then throwing it at a Bunnyling that was running for Khumdar's back.

He hit it without having to use essence.

Tibs stopped and watched it dissolve. Then he was on his back, pain exploding in his chest, and barely putting an ice-covered arm between him and the savagely biting creature on top of him.

A Bunnyling hit it, sending them away.

"If you're going to get in close range," the fighter yelled, "then focus on the Bunnylings attacking you, not the ones dying!"

Tibs got to his feet and aimed an open palm at a Bunnyling in mid-leap. He formed the whirlwind pattern Carina had used, but he had trouble holding it. The result only caused the creature to land in a heap, instead of getting thrown back. Still, it was better than his first attempt.

He did it again.

No one was in dire need of help and no Bunnylings were running at him, so this was a good time to add training. He was missing something in how Carina used the essence, as it wouldn't gain the sharpness hers had. The Bunnyling getting to its feet and glaring at Tibs forced a decision, and instead of simply dropping the attack, he added water to it, since that was an essence he knew well.

Instead of sending ice shrapnel at the Bunnyling, the essences interfered with each other and the whole thing exploded before Tibs, cutting him. The creature took advantage of his mishap to run at him.

Cursing, Tibs grabbed a knife off his belt and threw it. When the knife didn't change direction at his command, Tibs realized that in his rush, he'd grabbed the wrong one.

Khumdar stepped between him and the Bunnyling, his staff slamming into the creature and sending the head flying.

"Do pay attention, Tibs." Then the cleric was back in the fray.

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