Breaking Step, Chapter 03

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"How are you doing?" Zackaria asked as Tibs and the remnant of his team started back to the transport platform.

Jackal turned to face them, and the others followed suit. "And who are you?" the fighter asked, an edge to his voice.

"I'm Zackaria," they answered with a gentle smile. "I met Tibs when he and Carina visited. I'm glad you found your element, Tibs."

"They're Paolo's special person," Tibs said, then added, "He was the cleric who healed me in Mountain Sea. I'm fine," he then told them.

Their smile turned sad. "Tibs, she was special to you. You can—"

"She wasn't my special girl," he snapped as the ice cracked. He fought the pain that tried to escape.

"She was still special to you. I could see that. It's alright to acknowledge you're in pain."

"I'm not," he stated.

"We are dealing with her death as best we are able to," Khumdar said.

They smile at him, the nod of acknowledgment interrupted as they searched the cleric's face. They shrugged. "Be there for each other and you will pull through. It's what family is for."

"We know that," Mez said. "We don't need some stranger telling us."

"Of course. I didn't mean to intrude. If you ever need to talk, Tibs, or any of you, I'm here and always—"

"We won't be able to come back." Jackal cut them off. "We're runners. They only let us leave if the dungeon's closed." He rubbed his left wrist. "This was a special circumstance."

They nodded. "Then send word, and I will visit your town."

"We will." Tibs turned to start walking.

"If I may," they said, and Tibs stopped, catching the cleric stiffening out of the corner of his eye. "What is your name?"

"It is Khumdar."

Tibs turned to face them again as they searched the cleric's face. "Have we met? You seem-"

"No," the cleric stated, the word bright to Tibs. It wasn't often the cleric let a lie be visible.

They nodded. "Be well, then." Zackaria turned and headed back to the assembly.

Tibs started toward the platform again, and the others fell in step with him.

"You think he," Mez hesitated. "She?"

"They," Tibs corrected. Zackaria had worn pants this time, along with a loose shirt, but they only highlighted the combination of curves and more masculine features.

"Do you think they picked up on Khumdar's lie?" the archer asked the group. "I don't have Light, like Tibs does, but that 'no' sounded a false as I've ever heard."

"I did not expect they would recognize me," the cleric replied defensively. "I was much younger the last time they saw me, and much less... hearty."

"You realize you just admitted you're from this city, right?" Jackal pointed out.

Khumdar shrugged. "We have been a... family long enough. This is one thing you can know about me."

"Real generous of you," the fighter said sarcastically, "to grant us this one secret."

"It is indeed," the cleric agreed, with a magnanimous nod and slight smile.

* * * * *

Kragle Rock appeared around them, and the first sounds were that of a commotion. Guards subduing a group of respectable looking men and women.

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