Stepping Up, Chapter 94

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"Hasn't it been quiet for too long" Carina asked as they cautiously moved through yet another hallway.

Tibs had noticed that the cracks in the floor which formed the tiles Ganny used for triggers weren't entirely random. He'd identified four set of shapes that repeated, and always had triggers. He was almost sure which shape hid the triggers linked to the traps, but Ganny was sneaky, so he was careful not to take it for granted. He also thought he understood what some of the other shapes did, but that left a few with no apparent uses, and Tibs didn't like that.

And he didn't put it beyond Ganny to have set them up like this specifically to kill him with worry over what they did.

He looked around and realized Carina was right. By now, Ganny should have dropped Gnolls on them. How many intersections had it been since the last fight? Three, four?

"Maybe the dungeon got tired of the easy money it's been giving us?" Mez said, "so it decided to stop attacking?"

"Oh," Ganny said, and Tibs shuddered at the smirk in her tone. "Just for that, I'm—"

"That's cheating," Sto cut her off. "You can't change the way things are set to happen."

"You," she said incredulously, "are calling me out on bending the rules?"

"Well," now it was Sto's voice that carried the smirk, "considering how often you've come down on me for not following them, I think I'm entitled."

"I supposed you are right," she replied with a put-upon sigh.

Tibs stood, forming his sword.

"Something coming!" Jackal called, gleefully.

"But," she continued, "since you aren't in the habit of listening to me, why should I?" She cackled maniacally.

Ganny was enjoying herself too much for his liking. He listened and heard nothing. He believed Jackal, mainly because of Ganny, but how—he heard the steps in the distance. Boots on stone by the sound.

"Since those aren't dropping on us," Mez said, readying his bow, "I think we're about to find out what the dungeon settled on for the... I don't know to call them."

"People golems," Carina said. "And remember, whatever they look like, they are not our friends." The tremble in her voice took away some of the confidence she tried to impart on them.

Tibs wasn't worried. Whatever Sto and Ganny had settled on wouldn't resemble people they knew. Sto had been too regretful about how he'd hurt Tibs with Pyan's golem.

"Is it wise to simply remain here?" Khumdar asked.

"Are you saying we should rush them?" Jackal asked, the astonishment giving way to eagerness. "I'm all for it." He stepped toward the sound.

"No," Tibs said, glaring at the cleric, who took a step back.

"That's quite the stare, isn't it?" Jackal said, stopping, but not turning.

"And you know he did this how?" Khumdar asked, still looking at Tibs warily.

"When you've been on the receiving end of it as often as I have. You learn to feel when it's happening to others."

Tibs turned the glare on the fighter.

"Or on me." Jackal's raised hand stopped Tibs's comment. "They're almost at the intersection ahead."

Five... people golems came into view.

They were shaped like people and wore leather armor, with one a robe instead. But they had no features. Their heads were without eyes or mouths, and where the nose should be was only a bump hinting at one. They were easily identifiable as the representation of Runners, but not anyone specific.

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