13 third pov

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A few weeks pass and nothing happens. Kara already starts to wonder if she imagined it. Right after Lena's Bodyguards arrived she left and went to the DEO. Dressed as officers they searched through her office but beside a little bit of fabric they couldn't find anything either. Lena got really afraid that someone might hurt Kara. They saw her, they know what she looks like and they know they have a witness. And so Lena insisted on giving Kara Bodyguards as well. While that was a really nice gesture and Kara appreciated it, it made her life as Supergirl really complicated. She was sure at some point they had to get suspicious of her going to the bathroom so often.


I am the first person at CatCo today. Like usual. It's so dark and cold without anyone here but for some reason I like it. I'm alone today, completely alone. Not even my Bodyguards are here. I can take care of myself after all, I have them more to calm Kara. She seems really worried about me. She's really cute to be honest. We spend a lot of time together those past two months and I think she really grew on me. I really like her, I never thought I could've real friends but it feels like Kara is one.
I sigh and sit down feeling a little dizzy. That's not surprising considering that I worked for L-Corp all night long and can't remember the last time I ate something. It'll be fine, I'll just eat something later. I open my laptop and start to write a few things down for the news. I want a few interviews with the president because of the alien amnesia law that's supposed to happen and Kara always has pretty good ideas as well. I don't know how but she has inside informations to many things, one day she'll have to explain to me how. I'm really tired and close my laptop again to rest my eyes for a bit. I just want to close them for a few minutes.

"Lena? Hey, Lena. Wake up. Lena?! Are you okay?" I hear someone say while slightly shaking me. I must've fallen asleep. "Kara?" I ask when I look up. She's usually arrives pretty early as well but also I think she'd be the only one to wake me so gentle. I hear her let her breth go. "Yes, rao Lena you scared me." Did she just say Rao? Who- what is Rao? "I'm sorry I didn't mean to. What time is it?" I ask still wondering what a Rao is. "It's 7:30, no one is here yet." She says. "Good, that's good." I say not fully awake yet. "Lena, how much did you sleep?" Before I can answer I have to yawn and Kara takes that as her answer. But I never sleep much, today it's just obvious because I haven't had a coffee yet and didn't get my usual 4 hours of sleep. "You have to take care of yourself more." She says and looks at me worried. She's sitting across from me on a chair and for a second our eyes meet. Her beautiful blue eyes are stunning everytime I look at them it strucks me again. My hand is lying on the table and while we stare at each other I can feel her fingers lightly drive over the back of my hand before she takes it into hers. I swear I saw her gasp a bit when she did that. "I'm fine" I say and pull my hand back. I don't know if this is just something that friends do but I can't allow it to happen. "I'm sorry" Kara whispers and get's up. "I'm gonna get coffee and breakfast. I assume you didn't eat yet?" I slightly shake my head before I get up. "You don't have to." I say. "But I want to" she says. And with that she won. 15 minutes later we're sitting in my office and eat bagles and drink coffee. She also got an extra sandwich for me.
This woman does things to me I tell you.
"I wanna ask you something" I say with a bagle in my hand. Kara nods and swallows the bite in her mouth. "Go ahead " she says. "What is a Rao? You said it earlier and I don't think I ever heard that before." I ask but it seems to shock her. Did I scare her? "You don't have to answer-" I quickly add. I watch her straighten her back and turning more towards me putting her bagle away. She seems to be really nervous. What did I say? "Rao... is a word from my first language." She says avoiding my eyes. "It's not English?" I ask surprised. I never notiher having an accent or anything like that. My biological mother came from Ireland and I think you can hear that I still have an accent sometimes. Although, I don't speak Irish I only have the accent.
Kara slowly shakes her head. "It's nothing like that. The first few years I jad a terrible accent." She says. "Then, if you don't mind me ask where are you from?" To that Kara got silent. For a few minutes neither of us said anything before she looked up into my eyes and looking serious. "I- you know the Danvers adopted me when I was 13 but that's not..." she stopped herself and took a deep breath. I took her hand in mine. "Hey, if you don't want to talk about it that's okay. I'm sorry" I say trying to calm her. I've never seen her like this. "Lena, I am-" just then her phone rang. Alex, her sisters name was on the display. She took it.
"Yes?... Right now?... Okay, I'll be there." She says and hangs up. "I'm so sorry but I have to go. Let's talk about this another time.. we should go out. Tonight, I know a place." She says and walks away. "Uh- Okay" I call after her. This was weird. What is she hiding? It seems like a huge thing.

Heyy, it's me the author finally posting the next chapter. Idk if anyone saw it but at the time I'm a little injured on my arm and can't write so much (it's not like I'm doing that anyway)
So, to keep my account alive I'll start posting this story on my IG and I'll start posting a story for my IG here as a second story. If anyone is interested- uhm idk I'll post it soon.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2022 ⏰

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