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Warnings/contains: mentions of murder/death.


Remus arrived at school the next day, sitting down in the almost empty library and just texted Janus. Logan was there as well, he was watching Remus more than he was reading. He was a bit jealous at the fact whatever Remus was doing made him so happy, in fact Remus was laughing.

Soon enough his class was starting and he got up, glancing over Remus' shoulder as he walked past. Making a mental note to keep an eye on Janus.

Logan looked around the lecture hall, noticing the man from the day before was missing. He shared the class with him and he wasn't there. He knew he was dead, he had that sinking feeling he got each time.

Each time... this had happened at least once each week in the past 3weeks. He didn't feel bad for the victims, he was doing this as well, just less often than Remus was.

That class went by pretty fast, as he left the building to relax outside he passed multiple police officers and a few detectives.

He knew why they were there, they were telling administration about the death and murder of the man. Logan didn't know his name til now.

Blake. That was who died, who was murdered the night before. He decided he'd listen in on the conversation they were having, going on his phone while listening.

"Blake was murdered around 10pm last night, there were signs of a struggle and we've found a trail left by the suspect that led behind houses. We lost the trail after a couple of houses. We found the weapon, a switch blade."

"Thank you sir, I will notify the victims family and the staff. I wonder why there has been a sudden rise in murders recently."

"We don't know yet, our guess is one or more serial murderers targeting different students that attend here. We're thinking of holding an investigation into the school, looking at security footage and getting a search warrant to search the homes of the students and staff."

"I will notify the staff and students of that as well, thank you sir." The woman at administration smiled before just asking some more questions. Logan decided to leave at that point, heading back to his house and cleaning, wanting anything that might make him a suspect gone.

He put anything he had used to murder someone in the dishwasher to be washed. He hid any other weapons and just wiped down each surface.


Each house, Dorm and apartment was searched by the end of the week. They searched for anything, confiscating any knifes, or potential weapons.

Logan got off fine, just getting a couple of questions about stains on one of his shirts, he just claimed it was sauce and got away with it. He had missed a couple of spots but yet again was fine, he had a good reputation with these checks as they happened pretty often.

Remus didn't know about the check and didn't have time to clean, having the police show up at his door freaked him out. Yet he was enjoying the rush. He never cleaned, so finding blood in the shower was easy.

"Want to explain the blood in the shower?" One of the officers asked.
"Oh that, I haven't cleaned my shower in ages. I had a friend stay with me a while ago."
"What does that have to do with it?" The officer asked again.
"She was on her period. It just stained the shower and I kept forgetting to clean it off." Remus shrugged, figuring a lie was best in this situation.
"Ah, I'm sorry for the confusion." The officer sighed, deciding to trust his word.

The police left after a while, Remus pretty much started cleaning immediately. He was very lucky they didn't take a sample for testing.

He spent the rest of the day cleaning, getting rid of any case of blood or anything else.


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